View Full Version : "As the Dinar Turns"...with Kaperoni...12-9-12

12-09-2012, 10:24 AM
12-9-2012 Kaperoni A very good argument can be made that they need to raise the value soon if they want what they have worked for...a free market economy. It is clear the banking sector needs cash for these projects, and without private investment, agriculture and manufacturing, etc will never take off at the levels expected. Does Maliki care? I don't know. He has the oil flowing now with increases in the near future. If the US, UN, IMF, WB etc. don’t nip it in the butt now, Iraq may stay a one trick pony. So on that front I am hopeful there is enough momentum to move this forward to develop the economy before to much damage is done.

12-9-2012 Tlar This is not business as usual over the last couple of days. First the US announces that they have picked a successor to Maliki as part of a possible interum government until the new elections, then Moon visits Maliki at his office supposedly to discuss the Kuwaiti relationship, then the Deputy of Defense pays Maliki a visit to supposedly talk about the military alliance and partnership with Iraq and now the UN going into the CBI under the guise of investigating corruption and calling the bank an International bank which it is not. [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]

12-9-2012 ****** [Is the VND going to be 48 cent or above?] WHAT IM HEARING, YES.

12-9-2012 BGG Article: "The arrival of a delegation from the United Nations to investigate the issue of Central Bank" This is really, really bad for Maliki (and good for us!!). The UN is stepping into the CBI issue and is about to drop the hammer!!

12-9-2012 Tlar The world just got all over this IMHO. Something is a foot. I believe Maliki has stepped in it. I have said since 2008 that Iraq is too important to the world to let it go to hell in a hand basket. An article just came out that said by 2023 it is expected that Iraq will be producing half the oil used in the world. Iraq cannot be lost to a despot who does not have an interest in developing the resources and continues to cause turmoil that long term might lead to a civil war.This is a battle the world cannot afford to lose and I think we are witnesses to a world intervention. Remember they can't be seen as interfering or trying to control a sovereign nation. This is a mission of last resort and I believe we are watching this mission unfold as we speak. The world needs Iraq's oil and the world needs Iraq's money.

12-9-2012 Kaperoni This is a great quote... "warned the Economic Commission of the continuation of the "reserve currency," That means Iraq needs to stop the auctions and distribution of the USD. They are clearly telling them to reverse the trend...which is good for us because the dinar needs to have value before they can happen.

12-9-2012 SteveI There is a lot of talk about a one to one ratio on the Iraqi Dinar v. United States Dollar. That would be Just fine with me, but however that is not what will happen. I believe based on history and information from our sources that nothing will happen until Chapter VII is lifted.