12-14-2012, 10:56 AM
12-13-2012 Angelquest [do you have any facts that you can share with us?] is done. [Well do you think still before O leaves for vacation?] you betcha i do.All I can say is it won’t be a dollar and the VND wont be .05 cents. [$3.22 and .48 sound good?] higher... [do you expect this to come out as a managed float?] PERSONALLY I HAVE NEVER THOUGHT THAT...I FEEL IT WILL BE ON SAME KEY AS KUWAIT BUT THIS IS MUCH BIGGER WITH MORE OIL ETC...[Are you still looking at 15th-17th? for our blessing?] YES I TRULY AM...BUT WE SHALL SEE FOR SEVERAL WEEKS I HAVE SAID THIS AND WE KNOW IT IS ALL FALLING IN PLACE.
12-14-2012 Footforward The standby agreement was extended to February 23. This does not mean that they have to wait that long. It can be extended or cancelled at anytime. The articles about the CBI getting permission to RV means nothing. Who gave them permission, the CBI, themselves? Does that make any sense? Do you give yourself permission. Iraq has done everything they need to do. Maliki is not the problem, Shabibi is not the problem. Shabibi is in hiding because of threats on his life. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-14-2012 Enorrste It seems evident now that the World Bank/IMF/UN have put significant pressure on Maliki to keep his hands out of the issue...the Finance Committee of PARLIAMENT has stepped back to the forefront where they belong. The article that we read the other night in which the World Bank stated unequivocally that the GOI was to stay out of the business of the CBI obviously carried some weight. Then it was backed up the next day by the IMF and the UN reminded the GOI that Iraq is still under Chapter VII, meaning that the UN can step in any time it wants. Add to that, finally, the fact that US troops are now back in Iraq and you can see that the "squeeze play" on Maliki is beginning to bear fruit. Recall also that we are aware that a contract was signed last September. The CBI is committed to this process and I believe it will be shown shortly that this recent debacle is only a temporary setback. I also believe that January 1 is a key date.
12-14-2012 Bondlady there's a ton of great articles that have been out all week and the week before, things that i've waited to see in the works for years, article 140, hcl, ch 7, the budget, monetary change...the new money, all of it is in the news everyday...they are all pieces of this whole puzzle we call our investment and without anyone of these things we can't hope to achieve our wants in all this and we are watching all things come to life...
12-14-2012 Footforward Some think it's going to be a free float or they will pip the rate. It's not going to be a free float and it's not going to just pip up, it can't work that way. It's just going to happen and it's going to happen quickly. Why would they do this with the single most important currency revaluation in history. It's not going to be $1 and it's not going to be $.74. I expect a good rate. There is nothing at all that supports a $2.50 RV in Vietnam. The dinar will be the big winner although the dong will be a good investment. I am expecting this to go any anytime.
12-14-2012 Bondlady ...i am so excited about all these we watch them all being settled and for iraq even 5 or more years later they are moving at record speed now as they get close to the last day of december 2012 when they have to have so much ready and active for the new year...they are on many get things done as that mandate expires in february and if my understanding is correct then it appears there won't be an extention of it, so the rush to achieve much before the end of the year is apparent in a major way. i feel like we have some great things about to happen for iraq and for us...the news just gets better and better everyday
12-14-2012 Footforward The standby agreement was extended to February 23. This does not mean that they have to wait that long. It can be extended or cancelled at anytime. The articles about the CBI getting permission to RV means nothing. Who gave them permission, the CBI, themselves? Does that make any sense? Do you give yourself permission. Iraq has done everything they need to do. Maliki is not the problem, Shabibi is not the problem. Shabibi is in hiding because of threats on his life. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-14-2012 Enorrste It seems evident now that the World Bank/IMF/UN have put significant pressure on Maliki to keep his hands out of the issue...the Finance Committee of PARLIAMENT has stepped back to the forefront where they belong. The article that we read the other night in which the World Bank stated unequivocally that the GOI was to stay out of the business of the CBI obviously carried some weight. Then it was backed up the next day by the IMF and the UN reminded the GOI that Iraq is still under Chapter VII, meaning that the UN can step in any time it wants. Add to that, finally, the fact that US troops are now back in Iraq and you can see that the "squeeze play" on Maliki is beginning to bear fruit. Recall also that we are aware that a contract was signed last September. The CBI is committed to this process and I believe it will be shown shortly that this recent debacle is only a temporary setback. I also believe that January 1 is a key date.
12-14-2012 Bondlady there's a ton of great articles that have been out all week and the week before, things that i've waited to see in the works for years, article 140, hcl, ch 7, the budget, monetary change...the new money, all of it is in the news everyday...they are all pieces of this whole puzzle we call our investment and without anyone of these things we can't hope to achieve our wants in all this and we are watching all things come to life...
12-14-2012 Footforward Some think it's going to be a free float or they will pip the rate. It's not going to be a free float and it's not going to just pip up, it can't work that way. It's just going to happen and it's going to happen quickly. Why would they do this with the single most important currency revaluation in history. It's not going to be $1 and it's not going to be $.74. I expect a good rate. There is nothing at all that supports a $2.50 RV in Vietnam. The dinar will be the big winner although the dong will be a good investment. I am expecting this to go any anytime.
12-14-2012 Bondlady ...i am so excited about all these we watch them all being settled and for iraq even 5 or more years later they are moving at record speed now as they get close to the last day of december 2012 when they have to have so much ready and active for the new year...they are on many get things done as that mandate expires in february and if my understanding is correct then it appears there won't be an extention of it, so the rush to achieve much before the end of the year is apparent in a major way. i feel like we have some great things about to happen for iraq and for us...the news just gets better and better everyday