02-09-2013, 08:41 AM
2-8-2013 Shredd I was talking to a friend...and we were talking about the different scenarios regarding long it could take to start to pip, how long to rv, how long to float and how long till we would cash out some or all of our dinar. I remembered something which is easy to forget...the lower denoms printed from back in 03...even though we read that the removal of the zeros may not happen until next year, that does not mean we won't see movement in the rate also...we know the current two language dinar will coexist with the new three language dinar for a period of 10 years. i think we have just two articles stating that, the first came out in august of 2011 if i recall correctly and lastly, we have not read anywhere that the dinar we are holding have some laddered plan of being retired. Breitling mentioned that recently and I feel that is a great thing to remember.
2-8-2013 BWM [Is 23rd that important?] OK, the 23rd...been some serious discussion about the amount of money due then to start with that number bouncing between 124 million and 160 billion... Which is it? Well they just agreed to pay Kuwait some 500 billion dollars so again paying a large sum doesn't seem to be a problem.... Why? because they are paying digital money. I don't think it's a trigger as much as I feel like they would like to have it finished before that to make the payments easier...
2-8-2013 Kaperoni [I keep reading that the rv/float will only happen when the GOI is stable. If some entities are waiting for Iraq to be "stable" this rv/float will never take place. We can say good bye to this investment. I do agree to the fact that things can get a little better; but it's the middle-east, stability to them will never be like in the western countries. They better get this thing moving; now is the time.] IMO, that is why this will free float. Let the market dictate the rate based on Iraq's performance (or non-performance).
2-8-2013 Blaino They will all go together. They will pop at same time. The computer will send at one time. The great folks of the IMF.. not afraid of Virginia Wolf but they are afraid of Double dipping. I want to share with you...I'm saying you need to prepare yourself. This is about to happen.
2-8-2013 Poppy3 our main question for today is when or have they got MALIKI nullified in regards to his power. I USED TO SAY before there would be a Transfer of Wealth, WE WOULD SEE a Transfer of Power AND IN SOME WAY THIS WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FIRST. HOPE THE TRUTH COMES OUT TOMORROW AND THEY HAVE CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE ENTIRE GROUP. TIME WILL TELL THE TRUTH.
2-8-2013 Ocrush The bloc leaders are working very hard to get the budget in place for a vote. They had closed door meetings today with absolutely no media. Technically, the budget is done but we think it's a timing issue for the vote to take place. We all agree the budget will pass. Even UN's JAPU put out their primer budget statement on January 24, 2013 with a footnote that the budget will pass sometime in the beginning of February. We are close but there is really no way to get an accurate description as to what is the hold up. We are in the window of opportunity...
2-8-2013 BWM Question: [Did you get any thing definite on whether it will be a free or managed float?] 2%...every 90 days on a managed float. Could this change? yes, but would have to make amendments to their Constitution in order to do that...
2-8-2013 Shredd so, combining these my humble opinion, gives us great hope that, as we know, the rise of the exchange rate....the value of the dinar is most definitely a separate event from the removal of the zeros and we are not tied to waiting another 12 months or whatever. when the (i think 14) categories of dinar were printed the plan back then was what? twofold...first, to release the large notes due to the low exchange. second, for release of the lower denoms, including the coins to support the country for WHEN the rate reached par with the dollar and above. is the quantity of those lower denoms enough to operationally keep iraq on it's feet? doesn't matter imo because i believe the new dinar is printed but even if it isn't, printing and circulating currency does not take months and months. so, this is kind of an "administrative" look at our situation and imo, it looks amazing and like the gurus can "pop" any time.
2-9-2013 BWM [So what does it mean when gurus are saying that this R/V has nothing to do with Iraq? In other words, it is out of their hands?] Simply put, if Maliki is that powerful, and considering that he supposedly had "acquired" a large sum of dinar, why wouldn't he just pull the trigger and make himself a bzgillionaire and be done with it? My opinion is that they will accomplish all their items when they are told to finish things...
2-8-2013 BWM [Is 23rd that important?] OK, the 23rd...been some serious discussion about the amount of money due then to start with that number bouncing between 124 million and 160 billion... Which is it? Well they just agreed to pay Kuwait some 500 billion dollars so again paying a large sum doesn't seem to be a problem.... Why? because they are paying digital money. I don't think it's a trigger as much as I feel like they would like to have it finished before that to make the payments easier...
2-8-2013 Kaperoni [I keep reading that the rv/float will only happen when the GOI is stable. If some entities are waiting for Iraq to be "stable" this rv/float will never take place. We can say good bye to this investment. I do agree to the fact that things can get a little better; but it's the middle-east, stability to them will never be like in the western countries. They better get this thing moving; now is the time.] IMO, that is why this will free float. Let the market dictate the rate based on Iraq's performance (or non-performance).
2-8-2013 Blaino They will all go together. They will pop at same time. The computer will send at one time. The great folks of the IMF.. not afraid of Virginia Wolf but they are afraid of Double dipping. I want to share with you...I'm saying you need to prepare yourself. This is about to happen.
2-8-2013 Poppy3 our main question for today is when or have they got MALIKI nullified in regards to his power. I USED TO SAY before there would be a Transfer of Wealth, WE WOULD SEE a Transfer of Power AND IN SOME WAY THIS WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FIRST. HOPE THE TRUTH COMES OUT TOMORROW AND THEY HAVE CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE ENTIRE GROUP. TIME WILL TELL THE TRUTH.
2-8-2013 Ocrush The bloc leaders are working very hard to get the budget in place for a vote. They had closed door meetings today with absolutely no media. Technically, the budget is done but we think it's a timing issue for the vote to take place. We all agree the budget will pass. Even UN's JAPU put out their primer budget statement on January 24, 2013 with a footnote that the budget will pass sometime in the beginning of February. We are close but there is really no way to get an accurate description as to what is the hold up. We are in the window of opportunity...
2-8-2013 BWM Question: [Did you get any thing definite on whether it will be a free or managed float?] 2%...every 90 days on a managed float. Could this change? yes, but would have to make amendments to their Constitution in order to do that...
2-8-2013 Shredd so, combining these my humble opinion, gives us great hope that, as we know, the rise of the exchange rate....the value of the dinar is most definitely a separate event from the removal of the zeros and we are not tied to waiting another 12 months or whatever. when the (i think 14) categories of dinar were printed the plan back then was what? twofold...first, to release the large notes due to the low exchange. second, for release of the lower denoms, including the coins to support the country for WHEN the rate reached par with the dollar and above. is the quantity of those lower denoms enough to operationally keep iraq on it's feet? doesn't matter imo because i believe the new dinar is printed but even if it isn't, printing and circulating currency does not take months and months. so, this is kind of an "administrative" look at our situation and imo, it looks amazing and like the gurus can "pop" any time.
2-9-2013 BWM [So what does it mean when gurus are saying that this R/V has nothing to do with Iraq? In other words, it is out of their hands?] Simply put, if Maliki is that powerful, and considering that he supposedly had "acquired" a large sum of dinar, why wouldn't he just pull the trigger and make himself a bzgillionaire and be done with it? My opinion is that they will accomplish all their items when they are told to finish things...