View Full Version : Rashid Hotel is Hosting an Economic Conference Addresses the

02-27-2010, 10:32 AM
Rashid Hotel is Hosting an Economic Conference Addresses the Challenges of the Next Phase
February 27, 2010 · Posted in NEWS
Conscious / Rashid Hotel is Hosting an Economic Conference Addresses the Challenges of the Next Phase

Conscious / Baghdad / a. C

27/2/2010 1:56 pm

Institute held the Iraqi economic reform conference today to address the economic challenges faced by Iraq program in the next stage.

A correspondent (News Agency, Iraqi Information / conscious) that the conference hosted by the Al Rashid Hotel and was attended by central bank governor and an expert on peace Shabibi Iraqi economy Albehri Dr. Kamal, Dr. Akram Abdel-Aziz, General Manager of investment projects in the form of national investment and the number of experts Alaqsaddein Iraqis and Americans, Europeans and discussed ways of dealing with the economic in Iraq and the challenges facing the Iraqi economy in the next phase. ”
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