View Full Version : Allawi's coalition: We want guarantees of local and international deal to form the next government

08-25-2014, 08:17 AM
Allawi's coalition: We want guarantees of local and international deal to form the next government

25/08/2014 (00:01 pm)

Allawis coalition - We want guarantees of local and international deal to form the next government

BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah

He said a coalition of national, led by Iyad Allawi, that he presented to the prime minister-designate a bargaining chip include the need to resolve all militias and bear arms, however, the state should be within the ministerial platform for the next government, and between he presented his paper negotiating consisting of (19) paragraph, of the National Alliance, but Platform government wants to agree that itblocks, guarantees for the implementation of the judicial committees and parliamentary Iraq, as well as from the United Nations.
This comes at a time was considered on the Keywords MP for the coalition of state law, paper Allawi as "positive" and will be discussed and "compromise" on them, within the National Alliance for the preparation of a reply within 48 hours, and confirmed that there are committees to discuss the distribution of ministries between the blocks in the path parallels talks about negotiating papers.
Prior to the parties that took place in Erbil in 2010, the Convention of the many items were intended for a comprehensive reform of political and executive, but the prime minister did not stick out. And preoccupied with parties claim the reforms, to examine the safeguards that will be based upon the new agreement to form a government.
said coalition member national victory Allawi told the "term" that "our coalition is willing to change their policies created by the previous phase and adjust its course, which was built on the foundations of the wrong."
she said Allawi "Paper principles for a coalition of the National include two main tracks the first to leave the state plug-and-go for a civil state and citizenship, and the second lift the injustice and oppression of the provinces affected after the policy of exclusion and marginalization."
and explained that "it is necessary to restore the independence of the independent bodies and financial regulators, as well as the Iraqi Media Network and to ensure that they relate to the House of Representatives" , noting that what "we emphasized it is the formation of a parliamentary committee are connected by a judicial committee, to oversee the safety of those items in the ministerial program, and to ensure their application."
It pointed out that "a coalition of national calls to supervise the application of the terms of this paper either by the Federal Court or the United United, "indicating that" what we want is to vote on this paper in the House of Representatives, and then be signed by the Federal Court. "
She said, "the content of the negotiating paper presented by a coalition of national, to the National Alliance and other political blocs, consists of (19 ) items, which included ministerial platform to stop the indiscriminate shelling of the provinces affected. "
and increased that "among the paper items negotiating the formation of military forces from the people of these provinces to contribute to the restoration of security, as well as included ministerial platform paragraph to facilitate the return of all displaced persons to their home areas and compensation for damage to them. "
but pointed out that the paper also included the "solution of all militias and bear arms, however, the state to be part of the curriculum Ministerial prime minister-designate, in addition to addressing the issue of political aim which suffered partners politicians and the release of the leaders of the former Iraqi army prisons" .
The agency saying that "What we focus on is the involvement of some of the popular movement in the political process, in accordance with the principles of national reconciliation", stressing that "it is necessary for the prime minister-designate display exactitude of ministerial political blocs, that includes national reconciliation with the participation of all parties wishing to to enter into the political process. "
and showed that "what we want is the adoption of the amnesty law and end the file of mop-up and convert it to file a court, and to work to repeal the law of accountability and justice, in addition to the formation of the Supreme Council policy, which has become necessary at the current stage and included in the ministerial program."
she said that "it is necessary to focus on the elimination of through the abolition of all special courts as well as the repeal of the confidential informant and the fight against terrorism and rely on the Penal Code, as well as re-property Sunni Waqf land and properties of individuals."
and pointed out that "we are asking him to make some constitutional amendments in order to be a guarantor of the unity of Iraq, "noting that" the contents of our paper to enact laws Federation Council, oil and gas and parties. "
For his part, MP for the coalition of state law on the Keywords that leaves the negotiating provided by the political blocs "have high ceilings to their demands, but in the process Negotiations begin the process of compromise on a formula that satisfies everyone. "
Alak said in an interview for the "long", "The attention of the political blocs to expedite the formation of the government will drive us to reach an agreement on their leaves negotiating including pleases."
and added that "the negotiating paper presented by a coalition of national, headed by Iyad Allawi, were positive in year will be discussed within the National Alliance in order to respond to them through the next couple of days. "
and went on MP for the rule of law that "securities negotiating did not talk about the distribution of ministries between the political blocs, but there are other committees looking this subject represented by all the political blocs."
and pointed out that Prime Minister-designate student political blocs to submit candidates for the ministries, pointing out "that even Saturday, did not receive any candidates for the ministries of the blocks before," explaining that it is supposed to be the deadline for Abadi of the political blocs "on Monday regarding the submission of candidates for the ministries."
