View Full Version : Biden: Create 3 federations effectively end the deep divisions in Iraq

08-25-2014, 08:22 AM
Biden: Create 3 federations effectively end the deep divisions in Iraq

25/08/2014 (00:01 pm)

Biden - Create 3 federations effectively end the deep divisions in Iraq

Baghdad / term-Presse

New Vice President, Joe Biden, his country's support for the establishment of three provinces in Iraq, as a remedy for the suffering of the divisions and Anv.oadhav that the federal system ensures "division equal" in the resources of the Iraqi governorates whole and the presence of security formations of the people of the regions, to protect the population and to prevent any scope for Daash in a time to keep the unity of the Iraqi land.
The vice president said the American, in an article the newspaper, the Washington Post published on Friday, and quoted by Agence France-Presse Saturday, according to what seen it (the long-Presse), "The United States supports the idea of ​​a federal system in Iraq, and urges unity in the country is witnessing a sharp division amid increasing terrorist threats. "
Biden stressed that "the United States is prepared to increase support for Iraq in the face of the organization Daash", pointing out that his country "will invite its international partners to support himself."
He warned the Vice President, of "deep sectarian divisions and lack of political trust, which drained the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces and strengthened the capabilities of militants Daash," returned to "the existence of a federal effective is a step to overcome the divisions in Iraq."
The agency said that "Biden was a long-time supporter of the plan under which the division of Iraq into three autonomous regions for the year, Shiites and Kurds."
He explained Biden, that "the application of such a federal system ensures the division equal in resources to the provinces of Iraq are all with the establishment of a security formations composed of local residents of the regions, such as the National Guard, to protect the population in cities and other areas and to prevent any scope for Daash at a time when they safeguarded unit land Iraq, "noting that" the United States would be ready to provide assistance in the field of training and other forms of ill assistance in accordance with the Convention on the strategic framework of action to help ensure the success of such a plan. "
The official called the American, to "achieve practical real settlement between Iraqi parties whole," and continued that "America does not want to cost the Iraqis more than overworked, can not be achieved only by the Iraqis themselves, and then can not any external force to interfere no matter how strong will not be able to continue to do so certainly. "
It showed the French agency, that despite the "campaign being waged by the United States of air strikes to support the Kurdish forces and Iraqi forces in the fight Daash, but Biden insisted on the possibility to address this threat by local forces rather than the presence of elements of the American military on the ground," pointing out that "The United States, like the option to bet to support the moderates in Iraq to prevent the establishment without a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East."
He acknowledged the Vice President, that "the threat is not confined to Iraq only," calling for "the continued support by the regional powers and the Syrian resistance to counter the threat from al Daash and prevent the flow of foreign fighters from combat zones and to".
Biden concluded, that this "battle of Iraq will certainly triumph where with the help of America and the world."
It was Biden had suggested in 2007 the division of Iraq into three federations, Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish, and considering the Kirkuk area with private management, Congress enacted the American bill "non-binding" This is a majority of 75 votes, on the grounds that "the only solution to put an end to the violence that hit the Iraq. "
