View Full Version : Maliki renewed his call to form a majority government policy that includes all components

08-27-2014, 07:47 AM
Maliki renewed his call to form a majority government policy that includes all components of the Iraqi people

27-08-2014 12:39 PM

Maliki renewed his call to form a majority government policy that includes all components of the Iraqi people

Baghdad (news) .. new Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki's call for the need to form a majority government policy that includes all components of the Iraqi people. Maliki said in his weekly and seen by the Agency (news): The 'forming a government of political majority does not mean the formation of a government of one component, but of all the ingredients', noting that 'most of the political blocs made ​​demands ceilings high, so invite her to reduce its demands', noting that' some of those demands are unconstitutional '. Maliki has suggested that 'in the event of stuck blocs demands must resort Plan (b) and orientation towards the political majority in the event of a block of the blocks. ' and pointed out that 'Iraq is witnessing political mobility, while showing once again Vice President Joe Biden to present the project to divide Iraq, which is unacceptable from him and any attempts to divide Iraq under any Named ', criticizing the' call Biden Judge formation of a government of the regions on the basis of ethnic-sectarian, and he should not be put any threads calling for the division, and to the Iraqis to respond by rejection. " he announced in his weekly for the formation of a committee to investigate the massacre Base Speicher, on behalf of ( Revenge for Martyrs Spyker), to hunt down the perpetrators of the massacre ', stressing that' the blood of the martyrs, the soldiers will not be wasted, and the Committee allocated telephone numbers to take the certificates of citizens to the massacre, and the complaints of families of the martyrs. " On the other hand, Maliki called for 'the need to prosecute the armed manifestations under the name of popular mobilization ', pointing out that the' popular crowd him a national task, a dishonest defense of Iraq Conception of terrorism, so it can not be allowed to use some of this task to pass his agenda and dissemination of partisan armed manifestations' ./ Finished / H.v /
