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08-27-2014, 08:06 AM
Failure of the campaign adopted by the White House to try al-Maliki "war criminal"

08/27/2014 14:04

Agencies - ended the campaign led by the White House on its website at midnight last night of failing to collect one hundred thousand signatures were needed to ensure that the trial request on the agenda of President Barack Obama to take the formalities for execution of the request. By the end of the campaign, which started in 27 of the month of July last campaign but was unable to collect the signatures of 25 000 signature and remained in need of 75 000 last signature.
The White House Web site in time for the end of the end of the campaign in the middle of the twenty-sixth of this month that "the campaign has failed becauseit was unable to collect the required signatures." The message was addressed to the White House may be willing to sign said that "the people of Iraq Nuri al-Maliki calling for the prosecution as a war criminal for crimes against humanity for the killing of Iraqi civilians and dispersion years and the contribution of his army in the killing and displacement of a million Iraqis."

And formed as a result of the campaign frustrating to aspirants to try al-Maliki and success to him in the absence of a large number of opponents to achieve their desire to trial, where Refer activists on social networking "Facebook" failed to obtain a cent thousand signatures required to lack of knowledge of the Iraqi such requests and ways to communicate with them.

It also attributed the lack of signatures to spare the authorities during the past few weeks and for periods of several Internet networks in the provinces hot, which revolted against the policies of al-Maliki and his government, which had hoped to sign the request of the citizens of the trial.

The activists have asked all Iraqis living in the Kurdistan region and outside Iraq to vote on the trial and work to raise the percentage of the vote to more than a hundred thousand votes, but to respond to the request did not reach the required level.

Usually being the White House referendums on his official website to collect signatures to include the topic on the agenda of the American president in the event of a referendum skip barrier 100 000 signatures.

Three lawsuits against Maliki

At the start of the campaign was the MP for the mainstream democratic civil Mithal has pointed out that "al-Maliki and as the Chief Executive Officer in Iraq will bear the consequences of prosecutions that will be held against him, and what happened from the killings and the displacement and the bombing of cities and the fall of the cities and the loss of billions of dollars are paid out without any legal interpretation, "he described.

He Alusi said in a statement that "there are now three cases in the Court of Justice against Maliki involving crimes against humanity, genocide in addition to the lawsuits that Snrfha against him in front of the Iraqi judiciary." He stressed that the "rip-Maliki and unity of the country and the marginalized, and everyone acted individually, the first breach of the Constitution, which speaks of him and clung to him to stay for a third term." (As he put it). Q, Q
