View Full Version : Source: Biden in Baghdad within hours, and a meeting between al-Abadi and the Union forces to resolve points of contention

09-06-2014, 09:15 AM
Source: Biden in Baghdad within hours, and a meeting between al-Abadi and the Union forces to resolve points of contention

06/09/2014 13:25

Source - Biden in Baghdad within hours and a meeting between al-Abadi and the Union forces to resolve points of contention

Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad: A parliamentary source revealed on Saturday that the coming hours will witness the arrival of Vice President Joe Biden to Baghdad in order to resolve the formation of the government, as pointed out that the taxpayer Haider Abadi and representatives of the Union of Forces will meet this afternoon to resolve points of contention.

The source told "tomorrow's Press," said that "an important meeting held between Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi and representatives of the Union of Forces, this afternoon, to resolve points of contention on the government."

The source, who requested anonymity, that "Vice President Joe Bidenwill arrive in Baghdad in the coming hours in order to form the government."

He threatened a source close to Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi said on Friday (September 5, 2014), highlighting the documents condemns personalities from political blocs are trying to hinder the formation of the government through the pressures and raise the ceiling of demands, while pointing out that it hinders the formation of the new government is the same as supporting "terrorism ".
