View Full Version : Maliki appoints director of his office as Secretary General of the Council of Ministers

09-07-2014, 11:37 AM
Maliki appoints director of his office as Secretary General of the Council of Ministers

07-09-2014 05:41 PM

Maliki appoints director of his office as Secretary General of the Council of Ministers

Ward confirmed the news of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, what was said about the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appointed his chief Hamid Khalaf Ahmed, instead of the former Secretary General Ali Mohsen al-Alak , who commissioned the management of the Iraqi Central Bank.
According to a press statement seen by 'the agency news' today (Sunday, September 7 / September 2014), the General Secretariat of the Council ofMinisters welcomed the Secretary General-designate by the Prime Minister, Dr. Hamid Khalaf Ahmed, the successor to the secretary-general who commissioned the management of the CBI Ali Mohsen Ismail.
The statement added that the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers former Ali Mohsen Ismail, Dr. Hamid Ahmed Khalaf, hoping to prolong his tenure. He said he will leave in place a full assurance and confidence that things are going in the same regularity and naturally, with the new secretary-general Hamid Khalaf Ahmed, the owner of the long administrative experience.
For his part, promised the secretary-general in charge of trying to focus on training, development and teamwork, and to maintain the prestige and excellence General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

It is known that Hamid Khalaf Ahmed served as director of Maliki's office for several years.
