View Full Version : Parliament request clarification of the circumstances of the net balance in 2014

09-07-2014, 11:52 AM
Parliament request clarification of the circumstances of the net balance in 2014

9/7/2014 0:00

Postponed a vote on its committees Aldaimip for tomorrow
Baghdad morning hosted by the House of Representatives at its meeting yesterday, the Minister of Finance Agency purity of net debt to discuss the general budget for the year 2014, as decided to postpone the vote on the committees until tomorrow Monday. held yesterday session No. 12 of the first legislative term and year Legislative first of the electoral cycle the third headed by the President of the Council Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 240 deputies. explained the Minister of Finance, during the meeting, that the main source of thebudget is the oil and the estimates were based on a calculation of $ 90 a barrel, adding to a deficit of $ 32 trillion dinars and try to be addressed through some action such as remittances Treasury bonds, noting that the government has worked according to the principle of one twelfth of the budget and after security conditions by the Council of Ministers to spend sums in the form of advances exceeded the 1 to 12. said net that there is some sort of cruise in the implementation of projects and disbursement of funds allocated to them, indicating that security conditions have contributed to erode oil revenues, which amounted during the year 2014 about 64 trillion dinars either operating expenses and investment has reached 49 trillion dinars. drew the net to the existence of detailed reports for all aspects of spending, with several meetings were held to develop a strategy through the use of experts on budget 2015 pointing out that the Ministry of Finance in the process of holding meetings with all ministries to find out their needs. stressed the House of Representatives on the need to speed up the submission of the budget bill for 2014 to the House of Representatives and submit a report on the next three months, suggesting Add the amounts allocated for this year to next year's budget to near the time of receipt of the budget in 2015 , Mstvsrin about the legal basis for the disbursement of the amounts are advances, calling allowances petrodollars to the provinces and the release of grades for 2014, stressing the importance of taking into account the affected provinces and disbursement of pensions, as touched to talk about budget austerity and compensate those affected by the military operations and the displaced, suggesting the establishment of the Bank for Housing companion the Housing Fund to address the housing crisis. either the House of Representatives Kurds have wondered about the competent judicial authority, which decided to cut the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan region, demanding the payment of salaries of employees of the region and define the concept of the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil. in response to the interventions, the Minister of Finance Agency that the salaries of all retirees and employees in the affected areas and who are in all the provinces were disbursed through banks in Kirkuk, Baghdad and Samarra, noting that the estimate oil exports for the current year now stands at 2.6 million barrels from the south only average because of the security conditions. drew the net to the money you spend now are in accordance with the resolutions of the Council of Ministers Given the circumstances of unusual and great needs in the field of aid to displaced people, explaining that the allocations of emergency amounted to 1 percent, while it was supposed to be 10 percent, which is imposed on the House of Representatives to increase the allocations, noting the development of the allocation of the amount of increase in staff salaries and the petro-dollar and other allocations within the remainder of the year's budget Alhala.waodh that the Council of Ministers approved the final accounts, which imposes on the House of Representatives that takes its oversight role in this area. explained that the issue of bypassing the government, on a ratio of 1 \ 12 of the budget was an urgent need to address the issues of emergency, confirming the absence of any deficit in budget. between the minister, the budget law for 2013 included a paragraph dealing with the abuses and the damage caused by the region or the province irregular province budget and solving these problems, or referral to the Federal Court in the event of failure to find a solution to it, especially as the budget hit damage as a result of the failure of the Kurdistan region from sending its petroleum revenues to be included within the financial budget, stressing that the Kurdish people is part of the Iraqi people has the right to its share of the financial budget of the Federal and the ministry paid the salaries of the staff of the Department of Citizenship and some sectors in the region within the expenses of the ruling and the ministry Ttrat pay a share of the region until the arrival of a letter from the Ministry of Oil on the lifting of the damage from the issue of the oil province of Kurdistan. this Council discussed also the issue of the formation of committees permanent in the House of Representatives, as Vice President of the Council Iaram Sheikh Mohammed that based on the agreement of the Special Committee committees parliamentary has been the adoption of the 179 members of the National Alliance to chair the 14 Committee and won the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, which has the 65 MPs on the 5 committees either alliance Iraqi forces 54 deputies has chaired four committees, either block the National Vhazat on the committees of components that have 6 members and got a committee and one of the category (b). said Vice President of the House of Representatives to the non-completion of naming the members by the heads of blocks so far. criticized Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the existence of the reluctance is justified for the work of the Special Committee to form committees, referring to the need to obtain consensus for the work of the committees and the importance of expediting its formation. Council voted to postpone the naming of the members of parliamentary committees Aldaimip to tomorrow's meeting Monday at a final. to it, Refer Congress to postpone the vote on the permanent committees of the House of Representatives to the lack of readiness of the names, as it is still some of the blocks have not yet received the names of its members, and argued that the postponement is linked to the announcement of the line-up which is due to see the light before the end of the constitutional period on the ninth of August Gara.alnaúb on the mass of the citizen Habib Terminal, explained that the non-completion of names of members of some committees to pay President of the Council to postpone the vote until Monday to be the resolution of the matter. said Terminal in an interview »Sabah»: The committees are tools to work in the House of Representatives and thus the lack of completeness lead to a breach in the work of the House of Representatives, so it will be tomorrow, the deadline for the declaration of the committees and their chairmen. turn, MP for the National Reform Movement, crescent Sahlani keen House of Representatives that the committees are permanent specialist and not by desires and Alahoa.obin MP »Sabah», said the delay vote on committees linked to the announcement of the government because the heads of the committees have a direct link with ministers and on this basis has been a delay, explaining that if the minister of the block, it is not possible to be chairman of the Committee of the Mass itself, noting that the vote will be on the members of the Committees without superiors to to be announced Aovernmh.mn for its part, said deputy state law Ahlgrebawi victory, that the postponement of the vote on the permanent committees was in order to give an opportunity for the blocks to get to the final result in the selection of Aedaúha.uazat Ahlgrebawi in a statement »morning», to postpone the vote on the permanent committees until tomorrow for the purpose of waiting for the blocks composition of the government to be the announcement of the committee coincided in time with the announcement of the government and thus reduces the size of the objections to the political blocs. added that the postponement leaves room for the blocks to be choices in the committee minutes in order to reach a final conclusion and closing on the distribution of committees and members, expected that in the case of the announcement of the government before Monday, it will be chosen heads of the committees on Monday also. so, criticized the MP for the Bloc united matshar Samurai, what is happening in the House of Representatives, which promise to be contrary to the rules of procedure due to delay voting on the committee permanent, which he attributed to sectarian quotas, stressing that the reason for delaying the vote on the committees Aldaimip is the lack of agreement of the political blocs on the distribution of Algan.oukal Samarrai said in a statement »Sabah»: The rules of procedure of the House of Representatives allows any member of the selection of any committee of jurisdiction away from the sectarian quota system, because we have this Labour make the same mistake committed by the previous sessions in distribution committees by quotas and not competence, stressing that the committees follow up and monitor and address this error in case we want to build the country. He said that the constitution confirmed that a member of the House of Representatives when he was sworn in, he will give up his community and mass , and when the defect is diagnosed that he must move away from quotas, expressing regret that the Council is still not held accountable for defaulting.
