View Full Version : Daash displays a tape depicting the beheading of Briton David Hines

09-14-2014, 10:33 AM
Daash displays a tape depicting the beheading of Briton David Hines

Sunday, 14 September / September 2014 07:00

Daash displays a tape depicting the beheading of Briton David Hines


Broadcast regulation [Daash] a videotape that he said depicted the beheading of British aid worker David Haynes .

It was not possible at the beginning to make sure it's immediate authenticity of the tape. But the viewer compatible with scenes that depicted the execution of American journalists James Foley and Stephen Sutlov during the past month .

Haynes and the abduction of a father of two from Perth in Scotland and at the age of 44 years last year while working for the agency ACTED French .

And began the video, which appeared under the title"Letter to America's allies" speech, British Prime Minister David Cameron to cooperate with the Iraqi government and Kurdish Peshmerga forces allied to defeat the organization of the Islamic state .

He said a masked man dressed in black with a British accent as he stood behind Heinz, who was on his knees and wearing an orange suit, "this British citizen will pay the price and promise of O Cameron Peshmerga armed them against the Islamic state . "

The demo tape then cut the man's head on his knees Gathe .

At the end of the tape width of another person being held hostage and the masked man said that he would be killed if Cameron continued support in the war on al [Daash] ended .
