View Full Version : Union of Forces meet today to resolve the position of the Ministry of Defence between al-Obeidi and Jabri

09-15-2014, 08:10 AM
Deputy him: the Union of Forces meet today to resolve the position of the Ministry of Defence between al-Obeidi and Jabri

Monday, September 15 / September 2014 10:23

Union of Forces meet today to resolve the position of the Ministry of Defence between al-Obeidi and Jabri


Said Deputy for the National Union of Forces, said on Monday that "the meeting will be held this evening to resolve the personal office of the Ministry of Defense."

It showed the victory Jubouri told all of Iraq [where] that "Congress and the leaders of the Union of National Forces hold a meeting chaired byUnion Leader and Vice President Osama Najafi this evening to resolve the candidate of the Ministry of Defense," noting that "he will be a choice between candidates Jaber al-Jabri, or Khalid al-Obeidi to take over this position. "

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi committed himself in commissioning session held on 8 September to submit the names of the current candidates for security ministries during a maximum period of one week. "

The religious reference in the words of its representative Ahmed Safi said in a sermon last Friday that "the challenges faced by the country, especially the security ones, require the government to speed up the selection of people, talented and experienced, to distracting websites security, particularly defense, interior and provide capabilities and ways to make it work and to be set out on the basis of scientific and enhance the intelligence effort so as to provide a secure life for citizens "Ended 2
