View Full Version : Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-28-16

09-28-2016, 10:53 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-28-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

9-28-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 ...we were...looking at the fact that Abadi was in Washington, DC...he left early...he actually left Thursday...and he was in Iraq Friday morning and...that to us was very significant...I think the most important reason is why did he come back...because the cockroaches were once again trying to mess with the GOI...the biggest issue IMO was to deal with Maliki...and Maliki’s son...But he has been caught with all the millions that he stole…this evidence is being piled up against Maliki and his son that is dealing with corruption...United Nations also says to Abadi...we are going to come with you too...why did they come to Iraq with Abadi...I guess it is because they are dealing with corruption not terrorism. That is huge...all of the bad people we see over there are being dealt with right now...it is the root of corruption that the UN is now over there dealing with...and Abadi is right there dealing with them...Abadi is not targeting Maliki…that would be politically dangerous...but Abadi is allowing the UN to come and do the corruption clean up...in fact the US Treasury is there too...why...because the UST and the UN are both there now monitoring the CBI auctions...

9-28-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi is trying to take his country into the future...into the international world and to do business with it...not with the program rate...the UN applauded and said bravo to Abadi...and he met with many nations...and those nations promised many things to him...why would they do that at a program rate... Article quotes: "We Will Raise the Value of the Iraqi Dinar and it will be to Reduce Corruption by Hitting One of the Main Sources of Currency Auctions” "To Restore Confidence in Iraq Currency Retreating..." IMO I think...that Mosul is so very close to us...because of that I believe now they want to talk to you about the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar...and that is good. There was another article...dealing with the Monetary Reforms and they said...we the Finance Committee, suggested that the best thing for us to do is to create a float...our exchange rate...once again another example within 48 hours of Abadi coming back from NYC and DC you see a lot of talk about the Monetary Reform.

9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Central bank: Iraq will emerge from the gray list to the white early next year" Quote: "...the highest international group to monitor the money moving internationally to remove Iraq from the gray list to the white early next year, 2017..." This is one of those articles that is so matter of fact. There can be no confusion what the CBI is saying here. No misunderstanding. Here is what the IMF said in the SBA..."The authorities will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP) (MEFP, 14). Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investor community that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of restrictions and MCPs for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate." We can clearly see that early 2017 the CBI plans to enter Article VIII. This will facilitate international investment, confidence and international transactions using the dinar. This also, IMO will be when the dinar begins to float. As already stated, the CBI plans to introduce a new 50, 100, and 200 at the same time so we can expect the dinar to improve significantly in 2017.

9-28-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce Where are with Iraq? They have revalued in country, they are using Qi cards, back pay all the way back to January. Decent rates on cards. Iraq did all they were asked to do. The G20 meeting was positive, the treaties, Paris Treaty, all agreed upon. It was just announced, the Paris agreement yesterday in the UN general assembly. It was a very big deal when that went down. We are in excellent position to receive this blessing in very short order. Don’t know next day or so, but believe this is our week. That is the sort of the timing we are looking at right now. We are pretty close...get ready and prepare for your new lives that should start here pretty soon.

9-27-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Float the Iraqi dinar economic phenomenon that will support the national currency" Quote: "Economist banks Rahim al-Adli suggested to the Central Bank of Iraq and the government "unrestricted flotation" Adoption in the auction currency instead of "limiting factor" that determines a fixed exchange rate to the dollar price..." This is the plan, but they must create the conditions first by passing laws, etc. so investment comes in and the dinar appreciates. If they do it now, the dinar may devalue..which we do not want.

9-27-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: "Jubouri ahead of us a historical responsibility to prosecute the corrupt and detection" HISTORICAL RESPONSIBILITY TO DETECT AND PROSECUTE THE CORRUPT...AND "THE NEED TO SHIFT FROM A CRISIS SITUATION TO A STATE OF POLITICAL AND EXECUTIVE STABILITY"... WOW!!! NUFF SAID...


9-27-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: "Parliamentary Finance: Financial Management Law will reveal flaws in the state's economy..." THAT IS PROBABLY THE BIGGEST AND MOST IMPACTFUL LAW WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR... SO...WILL BE DISCUSSED IN THE NEXT HoR SESSION... [which is next week right?] YES...TUESDAY...THE FLAWS THAT IT WILL REVEAL IN THE IRAQI ECONOMY...IS THE VERY REASON THE IMF HAS PUT SUCH WEIGHT ON ITS ADDRESSMENT...
