11-02-2016, 10:02 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-2-16
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-2-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [Have they prioritized the key investment laws that will set the stage for an international currency and allow capital to flow into the country...?] They have had the Investment and Banking Laws "on deck" for a while now...there is NO DOUBT the IMF has given them "the word"...investors have to have "an exit" - otherwise they WON'T ENTER...the wall of investment income they are expecting - will NEVER HAPPEN... without the investment law...when it is time - BOOM.
11-2-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...the IMF promised a huge long term loan worth billions to be paid in installments over the next 5 years...This issue remaining is CURRENCY REFORM implementation. Iraq was also given one (1) year from Jan 1st 2016 to Jan 1st 2017 to stabilize the security and political situation of Iraq. ...So we can see the pressure is extreme to complete the last of the promised needed reforms and in particular the currency reform and to begin the process once again to launch the new lower denominations. It is the government of Baghdad target not to turn on the new currency until ISIS is gone. They told us by end of 2016 ISIS would be gone.
10-2-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: "Auction of foreign currency" new look ... corruption in Iraq." Quote: "The "foreign currency auction", which was created after the US occupation of Iraq in April / May 2003, specifically in the year 2004 by the Central Bank of Iraq, represents a new form of the associated process of money laundering in Iraq, economic corruption..." HERE IS AN ARTICLE THAT OUTLINES THE LINK BETWEEN ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CORRUPTION AND IN DETAIL...OUTLINES THE BREACHES AND FAILURES OF THE AUCTIONS...INTERESTING EPILOGUE...IRAQ CAN NOT BE RESCUED BY REFORMS ALONE...BECAUSE THE BASIS OF REFORM MUST BEGIN WITH THE TRIAL OF WHALES...AND RECOVER STOLEN IRAQI STATE FUNDS...
11-1-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce ...we know Iraq is pretty much done and complete. We are finding that Mosul was taken over bit by bit and the Iraqi flag put up every time they took back portion of the city. We heard there were fireworks yesterday afternoon throughout the country. Iraq did reinstate and revalue their rate. Why are the UN Operational rates not showing? They are not going to bring them up for us until they are ready for us to see them. We look for that to happen anytime, maybe tomorrow. Same thing as with the Forex. The Forex rates are noted in Europe and Asia for a few days now, but we are not able to see them. Again, we will see them when the time for us to see them is correct. We are looking forward also to see the new bank screen rates of currencies in the first basket. The Paris Agreement was suppose to go in effect the fourth of November. It went into effect today! That is big news. The world is gold backed now. This is very good piece of news...It is saying we are really there. We are just waiting until we are notified. The notification to begin our exchanges is the last step in our process.
11-1-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article quote: "...predicted the financial advisor to the prime minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh approve the budget year 2017 before the end of this year..." This will answer a lot of issues... I fully expect them to codify the "functional HCL" in the 2017 budget as they have in the past...in essence - whatever the impacts of a true HCL would have been - they go ahead and allocate and draw out such agreements "loosely" in the budget...executing the impacts of the HCL without having to go through the stress of the actual process.
11-1-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Emphasis now for us is the progress of retaking Mosul and then moving towards currency reform. In today’s news they are giving us a nice progress report of only after 2 weeks of fighting. So we can see they should be declaring victory sometime very soon over all Mosul area? I firmly believe victory will come before this week is over. We watch and hope.
11-1-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "US-led coalition: Mosul will be soon liberated" Quote: "The battle to liberate Mosul, ISIS last stronghold in Iraq, has been witnessing remarkable progress as they enter their 16th day."
11-1-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI cannot control the street market rate! Only an increase in the exchange rate can control the street market rate. Give it some power...and they did. 1,300...a slight PIP movement...which is a start. The citizens will be very proud of their currency soon. Will they start at 10 cents? 20 cents? I don’t know the rate or the date...The street rate needs the IQD to go up in value. A gradual increase in their currency is coming...the dropping of the 3 zeros. On plan...on schedule...which is exactly what they told their banks...only the IQD at the beginning of 2017. Take note, the IQD exchange rate may increase, but may take time for it to reach the international world, and I believe that is what we are going thru right now. These are the finishing touches to the monetary reform ...IMO...The free-float rate...will continue to increase...which I believe will be 1 to 1...
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-2-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG [Have they prioritized the key investment laws that will set the stage for an international currency and allow capital to flow into the country...?] They have had the Investment and Banking Laws "on deck" for a while now...there is NO DOUBT the IMF has given them "the word"...investors have to have "an exit" - otherwise they WON'T ENTER...the wall of investment income they are expecting - will NEVER HAPPEN... without the investment law...when it is time - BOOM.
11-2-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat ...the IMF promised a huge long term loan worth billions to be paid in installments over the next 5 years...This issue remaining is CURRENCY REFORM implementation. Iraq was also given one (1) year from Jan 1st 2016 to Jan 1st 2017 to stabilize the security and political situation of Iraq. ...So we can see the pressure is extreme to complete the last of the promised needed reforms and in particular the currency reform and to begin the process once again to launch the new lower denominations. It is the government of Baghdad target not to turn on the new currency until ISIS is gone. They told us by end of 2016 ISIS would be gone.
10-2-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: "Auction of foreign currency" new look ... corruption in Iraq." Quote: "The "foreign currency auction", which was created after the US occupation of Iraq in April / May 2003, specifically in the year 2004 by the Central Bank of Iraq, represents a new form of the associated process of money laundering in Iraq, economic corruption..." HERE IS AN ARTICLE THAT OUTLINES THE LINK BETWEEN ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CORRUPTION AND IN DETAIL...OUTLINES THE BREACHES AND FAILURES OF THE AUCTIONS...INTERESTING EPILOGUE...IRAQ CAN NOT BE RESCUED BY REFORMS ALONE...BECAUSE THE BASIS OF REFORM MUST BEGIN WITH THE TRIAL OF WHALES...AND RECOVER STOLEN IRAQI STATE FUNDS...
11-1-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce ...we know Iraq is pretty much done and complete. We are finding that Mosul was taken over bit by bit and the Iraqi flag put up every time they took back portion of the city. We heard there were fireworks yesterday afternoon throughout the country. Iraq did reinstate and revalue their rate. Why are the UN Operational rates not showing? They are not going to bring them up for us until they are ready for us to see them. We look for that to happen anytime, maybe tomorrow. Same thing as with the Forex. The Forex rates are noted in Europe and Asia for a few days now, but we are not able to see them. Again, we will see them when the time for us to see them is correct. We are looking forward also to see the new bank screen rates of currencies in the first basket. The Paris Agreement was suppose to go in effect the fourth of November. It went into effect today! That is big news. The world is gold backed now. This is very good piece of news...It is saying we are really there. We are just waiting until we are notified. The notification to begin our exchanges is the last step in our process.
11-1-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article quote: "...predicted the financial advisor to the prime minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh approve the budget year 2017 before the end of this year..." This will answer a lot of issues... I fully expect them to codify the "functional HCL" in the 2017 budget as they have in the past...in essence - whatever the impacts of a true HCL would have been - they go ahead and allocate and draw out such agreements "loosely" in the budget...executing the impacts of the HCL without having to go through the stress of the actual process.
11-1-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Emphasis now for us is the progress of retaking Mosul and then moving towards currency reform. In today’s news they are giving us a nice progress report of only after 2 weeks of fighting. So we can see they should be declaring victory sometime very soon over all Mosul area? I firmly believe victory will come before this week is over. We watch and hope.
11-1-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "US-led coalition: Mosul will be soon liberated" Quote: "The battle to liberate Mosul, ISIS last stronghold in Iraq, has been witnessing remarkable progress as they enter their 16th day."
11-1-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI cannot control the street market rate! Only an increase in the exchange rate can control the street market rate. Give it some power...and they did. 1,300...a slight PIP movement...which is a start. The citizens will be very proud of their currency soon. Will they start at 10 cents? 20 cents? I don’t know the rate or the date...The street rate needs the IQD to go up in value. A gradual increase in their currency is coming...the dropping of the 3 zeros. On plan...on schedule...which is exactly what they told their banks...only the IQD at the beginning of 2017. Take note, the IQD exchange rate may increase, but may take time for it to reach the international world, and I believe that is what we are going thru right now. These are the finishing touches to the monetary reform ...IMO...The free-float rate...will continue to increase...which I believe will be 1 to 1...