01-16-2017, 11:19 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-16-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
1-16-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraqi dinar is not in danger and delete the zeros Postponed" Quote: "the Iraqi Central Bank did not specify a date for the deletion of zeros from the currency dinar," noting that "subject to availability of appropriate conditions, including the general stability in the country." He stressed the central bank governor and the agency, the need to "ensure the success of the process of deleting the zeros requirements before starting out, so the central bank will continue technical preparations in order to be practical fit when deciding deletion." I don't see anything bad in this at all. ...the CBI must create the conditions for the project to succeed. Time is not unlimited here...they need to get started before the market economy can launch.
1-16-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni That being said, I think the IMF stated just a week or so ago that the CBI only completed 3 of 9 benchmarks during 2016 as required as part of the SBA. So like usual, the CBI is behind schedule again. The good news is they are making progress, and they are implementing the requirements. I would expect that we are at least 3-6 months behind schedule at this point, but the CBI is not going to announce when they are going to get off the peg and float. And knowledge of moving from Article XIV to VIII will not be announced in advanced. We need to just watch the progress, let this come to us. It will happen..because there can be no market economy without it.
1-16-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The fight against terrorism: the coming hours we will liberate the financial district in Mosul" Quote: "Revealed the commander of the Second Special Operations in the counter - terrorism apparatus Maj . Gen. al - Saadi Maan that the next few hours will see the Emancipation Proclamation financial district..." What does “Emancipation Proclamation” mean? It means in ISIS/Daesh context - proclaimed the freedom of Iraqi people enslaved by ISIS and Daesh forces throughout Iraq. It says in the next few hours, not days or months. It will be formally announced by the prime minister and broadcast throughout Iraq. It will be the key announcement we have been waiting for. They have been telling us to look for this now since mid December and now it is coming very soon.
1-16-2017 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Article: "CBI News Press: DELAY OF PROJECT TO DELETE THE THREE ZEROES" The acting Gov of the CBI announced today that he has to again delay the RV. Abadi had hoped to liberate Mosul in three months time, from October to Dec 31. Allak had also hoped to RV in the beginning of this year, after delaying it three times in previous years. Allak doesn't specifically state that he is waiting for ISIS to be gone, for he also has to get everything done for the monetary reform. So, it isn't clear what is delaying the RV. He states today that he isn't even projecting a date. (Also, he can't say.)
1-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 ...Monetary Reform has reached the point where everybody has agreed with the numbers…to the point where the budget that contains the number has been approved and will be in the Gazette very soon. Do you know who else got...the LOI...the one the IMF got...the mother of all Central Banks...the Bank of International Settlements...the BIS...which is found in Switzerland...trust me they also got the report that Iraq is ready to lift the value of their currency in the beginning of 2017...so when the CBI website updates their new numbers the international world will also be able to see that they have changed their rate.
1-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 How long is it going to take before we see these numbers change...the IBAN it was set up on the 2nd...they have been doing international transactions since the 2nd...well maybe yes...maybe no…it is set up to do it as soon as they get a non-program rate...without sanctions ...that is the reason why IMO there is no rate on the CBI website...If they are at Article 8...if they have lifted the 000’s from their exchange rate...well then the sanctions from Chapter VII should be lifted by now...IMO they are about to change...they are about to lift the 000’s from their exchange rate...the CBI is...implementing what they told you and me and the international world at the start of 2017...they said they would trade internationally in the early part of 2017...and I see all of the equipment...I see all of the necessities...for them to do exactly that.
1-15-2017 Newshound Guru Millionday Article: "Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Iraq and the United States signed Thursday the guarantee for a US$1 billion loan to Iraq." Quote: "...undersecretary of Iraq’s finance ministry, Fadel Nabi, said the move “represents an initial step towards accessing world capital markets on a greater scale after legal requirements had been fulfilled and specific policies taken into consideration.” THIS IS TO ACCESS WORLD CAPITAL MARKETS...DEFINE WORLD CAPITAL MARKETS The trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, one of the largest secondary capital markets in the world. ... A capital market is a financial market in which long-term debt or equity-backed securities are bought and sold. Capital markets are defined as markets in which money is provided for periods longer than a year.
1-15-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Private banks signed a memorandum of understanding with an international company for the exchange of banking experience" More MOUs... There would be absolutely NO reason to do all this training and transfer of banking knowledge (of this nature) if they did not intend to go international with their banking practices and just stay under a “closed” economy. The Iraqi banks are in the final days of preparation for the move to international currency...as my CBI contact has now informed me. This article is proof...
1-15-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article: "Rasheed: Direct selling the dollar early this week" Quote: "Rasheed Bank, announced Saturday, for Mbacherth sell the dollar early this week. The bank said in a statement..."the beginning of this week will begin selling the dollar for travelers across five branches." He added, "The branches include Karkh, the airport, the Yarmouk, willing Khatoon, trade dependence," pointing out that "the sale will be at the official rate..." [Does official rate mean the same thing as "program rate" or does this mean they would be giving us a new rate...?] It's talking about the current rate of 1184 plus a small percentage for the bank and not the overly inflated rate that the street vendors sell it for. IMO. This will serve two purposes. The most important one being it is a continuation of the state runs banks campaign [to] gain the trust in the banking sector by the citizens and the second side benefit will be that it will pull in more 3 zero notes instead of those notes continue to circulate on the streets or put back into mattresses.
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
1-16-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Iraqi dinar is not in danger and delete the zeros Postponed" Quote: "the Iraqi Central Bank did not specify a date for the deletion of zeros from the currency dinar," noting that "subject to availability of appropriate conditions, including the general stability in the country." He stressed the central bank governor and the agency, the need to "ensure the success of the process of deleting the zeros requirements before starting out, so the central bank will continue technical preparations in order to be practical fit when deciding deletion." I don't see anything bad in this at all. ...the CBI must create the conditions for the project to succeed. Time is not unlimited here...they need to get started before the market economy can launch.
1-16-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni That being said, I think the IMF stated just a week or so ago that the CBI only completed 3 of 9 benchmarks during 2016 as required as part of the SBA. So like usual, the CBI is behind schedule again. The good news is they are making progress, and they are implementing the requirements. I would expect that we are at least 3-6 months behind schedule at this point, but the CBI is not going to announce when they are going to get off the peg and float. And knowledge of moving from Article XIV to VIII will not be announced in advanced. We need to just watch the progress, let this come to us. It will happen..because there can be no market economy without it.
1-16-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "The fight against terrorism: the coming hours we will liberate the financial district in Mosul" Quote: "Revealed the commander of the Second Special Operations in the counter - terrorism apparatus Maj . Gen. al - Saadi Maan that the next few hours will see the Emancipation Proclamation financial district..." What does “Emancipation Proclamation” mean? It means in ISIS/Daesh context - proclaimed the freedom of Iraqi people enslaved by ISIS and Daesh forces throughout Iraq. It says in the next few hours, not days or months. It will be formally announced by the prime minister and broadcast throughout Iraq. It will be the key announcement we have been waiting for. They have been telling us to look for this now since mid December and now it is coming very soon.
1-16-2017 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Article: "CBI News Press: DELAY OF PROJECT TO DELETE THE THREE ZEROES" The acting Gov of the CBI announced today that he has to again delay the RV. Abadi had hoped to liberate Mosul in three months time, from October to Dec 31. Allak had also hoped to RV in the beginning of this year, after delaying it three times in previous years. Allak doesn't specifically state that he is waiting for ISIS to be gone, for he also has to get everything done for the monetary reform. So, it isn't clear what is delaying the RV. He states today that he isn't even projecting a date. (Also, he can't say.)
1-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 ...Monetary Reform has reached the point where everybody has agreed with the numbers…to the point where the budget that contains the number has been approved and will be in the Gazette very soon. Do you know who else got...the LOI...the one the IMF got...the mother of all Central Banks...the Bank of International Settlements...the BIS...which is found in Switzerland...trust me they also got the report that Iraq is ready to lift the value of their currency in the beginning of 2017...so when the CBI website updates their new numbers the international world will also be able to see that they have changed their rate.
1-15-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 How long is it going to take before we see these numbers change...the IBAN it was set up on the 2nd...they have been doing international transactions since the 2nd...well maybe yes...maybe no…it is set up to do it as soon as they get a non-program rate...without sanctions ...that is the reason why IMO there is no rate on the CBI website...If they are at Article 8...if they have lifted the 000’s from their exchange rate...well then the sanctions from Chapter VII should be lifted by now...IMO they are about to change...they are about to lift the 000’s from their exchange rate...the CBI is...implementing what they told you and me and the international world at the start of 2017...they said they would trade internationally in the early part of 2017...and I see all of the equipment...I see all of the necessities...for them to do exactly that.
1-15-2017 Newshound Guru Millionday Article: "Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Iraq and the United States signed Thursday the guarantee for a US$1 billion loan to Iraq." Quote: "...undersecretary of Iraq’s finance ministry, Fadel Nabi, said the move “represents an initial step towards accessing world capital markets on a greater scale after legal requirements had been fulfilled and specific policies taken into consideration.” THIS IS TO ACCESS WORLD CAPITAL MARKETS...DEFINE WORLD CAPITAL MARKETS The trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, one of the largest secondary capital markets in the world. ... A capital market is a financial market in which long-term debt or equity-backed securities are bought and sold. Capital markets are defined as markets in which money is provided for periods longer than a year.
1-15-2017 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Private banks signed a memorandum of understanding with an international company for the exchange of banking experience" More MOUs... There would be absolutely NO reason to do all this training and transfer of banking knowledge (of this nature) if they did not intend to go international with their banking practices and just stay under a “closed” economy. The Iraqi banks are in the final days of preparation for the move to international currency...as my CBI contact has now informed me. This article is proof...
1-15-2017 Newshound Guru loop Article: "Rasheed: Direct selling the dollar early this week" Quote: "Rasheed Bank, announced Saturday, for Mbacherth sell the dollar early this week. The bank said in a statement..."the beginning of this week will begin selling the dollar for travelers across five branches." He added, "The branches include Karkh, the airport, the Yarmouk, willing Khatoon, trade dependence," pointing out that "the sale will be at the official rate..." [Does official rate mean the same thing as "program rate" or does this mean they would be giving us a new rate...?] It's talking about the current rate of 1184 plus a small percentage for the bank and not the overly inflated rate that the street vendors sell it for. IMO. This will serve two purposes. The most important one being it is a continuation of the state runs banks campaign [to] gain the trust in the banking sector by the citizens and the second side benefit will be that it will pull in more 3 zero notes instead of those notes continue to circulate on the streets or put back into mattresses.