06-15-2010, 06:35 PM
TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2010
July 1st? July begins the 2nd half of the year.

July 1, 2010 falls on a Thursday. The 4th of July falls on a Sunday.

Usually there is a 4 day holiday, and in that case, the Friday before is July 2nd and the Monday after is July 5th. July 1st would be a very opportune time to make changes.

_June 30th is the last day of the first half of 2010.

So, July 1st is considered the first day of the second half of the year. For accounting puposes, the Final date which Accounting/Controller’s must receive various types of accounting documents in order to ensure that they are posted during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010.

_The United Nations has set a June 30th deadline for Iraq.

The security council requests a comprehensive report on progress during the period of the present mandate of the high level coordinator by June 30, 2010. If all goes well, Chapter 7 has a good chance of being lifted. as long as security conditions in Iraq remain stable and the new Iraqi government is proceeding without major delay.

_The financial arrangements for the High level coordinator will expire on June 30th.

Security council has decided to to earmark funds from the 2.2 percent part of the escrow acccount intended for administration and operational costs to finance the continuation of the activities of the High level coordinator and his support staff until June 30th. ***June 15th - Scheduled United Nations Security Council and Iraq ....

_June 30, 2009 - Declared a holiday in Iraq

Also, not sure if this will be an observed holiday or if it was a one day holiday June 30th 2009 . JUNE 30TH 2009 DECLARED A HOLIDAY IN IRAQ ...

_*** G20 Meeting June 26-27-2010

The long anticipated G20 Meeting will wrap up on Sunday, June 27th, and, hopefully the world leaders will return home and initiate the terms agreed upon before July 1st (wishful thinking on my part) June 26-27-2010 -The G20 Meets in Toronto, Canada

_Delayed currency report?

Also, where is the currency report that was due out on April 15th and delayed so China could get its act together and all important meetings could be concluded ...April 15th Delay ~ US delaying Currencies Report Amid China Dispute ~ 3 months of Important Meetings Coming Up ...

Thursday, June 10th ~ Senate panel to question Geithner on China ...

Revalue Renminbi or Dogs Unleashed, Patterson Says

Also, this could be a dead giveaway ... Chinese tell U.S. 'baby kissers' to lay off yuan issue ...

_Obama wants to sign financial reform bill by July 4th

July 1st? (July signing?) - IMO, before we see a rate change, we will see a new financial reform package passed in the U.S. - (July signing?) - June 4th - 5th ~ G20 ministers face more wrangling over bank tax, and ... July ~ Obama may be signing into law ...

will update ...

***Look for Obama to mention the energy bill (cap and trade) in his address to the nation June 15th it will most likely be included in the overhaul of financial legislation that he wants passed by July 4th - link ~ Reid pushes to move energy bill in July ...

and we have ... on Friday, July 2nd ...

*** JULY 2nd ~ UN HIGH-LEVEL POLICY DIALOGUE - Heads of International Financial and Trade Institutions (World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD and WTO) ...


06-15-2010, 06:44 PM
probably wrong spot, but a cool read

06-17-2010, 01:47 PM
June 30th was their Sovereignty Day last year, doesnt appear to be on their holiday calender for this year (Except for January 1st).



They were marking the arrival of the last day of June, the deadline for US forces to be out of Iraqi towns and cities.

It's been named Sovereignty Day, and declared a public holiday. Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has said it is a huge victory for Iraq.

But the fact is that for most people in Baghdad and elsewhere, 1 July will look very similar to 30 June or 29 June.