10-08-2020, 09:39 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-8-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
10-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 & Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick ...Information is rolling out more and more. IMO time is short on the pictures that they will release with descriptions explaining further about the new small category notes. It's forthcoming as part of the education to the citizens because they are now admitting they have 'white papers' and they are admitting the reform process is complete and it is being implemented...what they are telling the citizens are the reasons and the 'whys' along with the 'what's going on' with their currency. They're telling them their country is about to become a financial hub and the currency will be the power of the Middle East...they are explaining they are adding value to the nation's currency...
10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy we don't know what the rate change is going to be but we know the rate change is being discussed in the reform papers. We don't know what that means though...it's easy to assume they're talking about changing their rate, which makes sense. Don't get me wrong...I just don't want us to jump ahead of the game here. Stay grounded. That is good news. We're all hoping that's what it means...
10-8-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Here is where we are...what we did receive and got confirmation about was that Saturday was the day that Iraq finally put out a new international rate on the new Iraqi dinar – it was just $1 less than Shabibi had predicted that the dinar could support in US dollars back in...2012...when he was addressing the US Commerce...He said the Dinar would be able to support a rate of $16 and our understanding is that the rate which was $15 was put in the Gazette on Saturday...They have completed their monetary reforms – revalued their dinar – put it in the Gazette...color it done...We also received word that there was a 48 hour clock that started at 1 PM [Tuesday] whereby within that 48 hrs which would end Thursday at 1 PM – Eastern time...we are in that 48 hour window – now...I am very excited that this is apparently coming down to the wire...
10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...It's interesting the new direction that the dinar has gone...roughly about a week and a half ago remember I told you I saw new a new pattern...there's no news coming out. Nothing is happening in Iraq. The level of lies and BS and misleading news has escalated big time. They're just lying to us left and right now...it's a very strong disinformation campaign - exactly like China and Kuwait did right before they changed their rates.
10-7-2020 Intel Guru Footforward We may be done in a few days. But it may go a bit longer. We have to be mentally ready to stay in the game.
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Paying employees' salaries, starting tomorrow, Wednesday" ...the Government is telling the people that the government is in charge and responsible to pay the salaries, just as they are in charge of the taxes, customs, agriculture, etc...The PM is on record that he intends to begin tomorrow, yet he even said so yesterday, too. The white papers are completed...What the white papers have is imo the rate at to which they will be paid. My view is that they have every intention to go to a market economy, therefore, the rate should not be at a program rate. Hence, that is why they had taken so long in paying them...They are down to the wire and have called for holidays, at a very interesting time too...This is getting so good now...imo! Love it!
10-7-2020 Intel Guru Delta Everybody knows that the 'white papers' does include a lot of reforms...One of them is the currency reform...the "white paper" is completed and the Office of the Prime Minister Kazemi did receive it this week. He's going to look at it. After he is done he is going to send it to the Parliament...what the white paper is is basically instructions on what they're planning to do to improve the economy of the country. Why are you hiding that? Why is it taking two months? ...there is something going on...what is going on is very very important.
10-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Rumor: Iraq has new Dinar RV rate at $15.00] I have heard that same chatter… I have exhaustedly searched to find that in print anywhere. I cannot find it but it is not far off from what Dr. Shabibi said the rate could be 9 years ago. This was back when Maliki was in charge. Okie [Guru Okie-Oil-Man] was expecting $14+ from tremendously good sources inside Iraq. Then things got stalled…It would not surprise me to see that rate. We have shared the
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before of Shabibi saying they could support a rate of $17 to 1…he was addressing the UN I believe and talking about the revaluation of the currency. I am trying to get proof of this from contacts in Iraq…
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...I was expecting another announcement in the news. It just has not shown up yet. If it does later on I will do an update because it's good news. I just don't want to jump the gun right now. It's just rumors but I have a feeling they're gonna make some kind of an announcement on it...
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...hope everyone has their exit strategy plan because the facts are showing you that you're closing in and reaching the end. We look amazing...this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. There's no rush. I wouldn't recommend anyone rush and make an exchange...the Central Bank of Iraq had an article out around 2012 it said the 2 currencies would coexist for a period of 10 years. So at one time Iraq has told us we will have 10 years to get the notes exchanged...no rush...
10-7-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 You now know what "white papers" definition means. It's an agreement of the monetary reform between the Central Bank of Iraq and the IMF...What do you think they are taking about? Their currency...And who do you think put it together? The Fab 4. I want to thank MY PRESIDENT! Donald Trump...we pray for you...the white papers contain the date and the rate...
10-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am told now that there is no negotiation on rates. I believe this to be true. I am told there will be only one rate offered period when we go in…and that this is non-negotiable. This rate is covered in a treaty and I believe this is accurate... As I understand it…you make an apt from info from your email, from dinar sites...you will automatically get the contract rate…if you just walk in off the street…go to your local teller - then you will get the street rate.
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru Militiaman ...they are very much talking in bold verbiage. "Implementing". "The first steps started". "Radical solutions being completed". You can't get any better than this.
10-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...We're finding out about all this. Guess what? So are the people of Iraq. The citizens of Iraq are seeing this and hearing this. Their expectations are immediate...it's amazing where we're at. Not only do the people know but so does the international world. Everybody knows what's going on now.
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
10-8-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 & Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick ...Information is rolling out more and more. IMO time is short on the pictures that they will release with descriptions explaining further about the new small category notes. It's forthcoming as part of the education to the citizens because they are now admitting they have 'white papers' and they are admitting the reform process is complete and it is being implemented...what they are telling the citizens are the reasons and the 'whys' along with the 'what's going on' with their currency. They're telling them their country is about to become a financial hub and the currency will be the power of the Middle East...they are explaining they are adding value to the nation's currency...
10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy we don't know what the rate change is going to be but we know the rate change is being discussed in the reform papers. We don't know what that means though...it's easy to assume they're talking about changing their rate, which makes sense. Don't get me wrong...I just don't want us to jump ahead of the game here. Stay grounded. That is good news. We're all hoping that's what it means...
10-8-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Here is where we are...what we did receive and got confirmation about was that Saturday was the day that Iraq finally put out a new international rate on the new Iraqi dinar – it was just $1 less than Shabibi had predicted that the dinar could support in US dollars back in...2012...when he was addressing the US Commerce...He said the Dinar would be able to support a rate of $16 and our understanding is that the rate which was $15 was put in the Gazette on Saturday...They have completed their monetary reforms – revalued their dinar – put it in the Gazette...color it done...We also received word that there was a 48 hour clock that started at 1 PM [Tuesday] whereby within that 48 hrs which would end Thursday at 1 PM – Eastern time...we are in that 48 hour window – now...I am very excited that this is apparently coming down to the wire...
10-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...It's interesting the new direction that the dinar has gone...roughly about a week and a half ago remember I told you I saw new a new pattern...there's no news coming out. Nothing is happening in Iraq. The level of lies and BS and misleading news has escalated big time. They're just lying to us left and right now...it's a very strong disinformation campaign - exactly like China and Kuwait did right before they changed their rates.
10-7-2020 Intel Guru Footforward We may be done in a few days. But it may go a bit longer. We have to be mentally ready to stay in the game.
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Paying employees' salaries, starting tomorrow, Wednesday" ...the Government is telling the people that the government is in charge and responsible to pay the salaries, just as they are in charge of the taxes, customs, agriculture, etc...The PM is on record that he intends to begin tomorrow, yet he even said so yesterday, too. The white papers are completed...What the white papers have is imo the rate at to which they will be paid. My view is that they have every intention to go to a market economy, therefore, the rate should not be at a program rate. Hence, that is why they had taken so long in paying them...They are down to the wire and have called for holidays, at a very interesting time too...This is getting so good now...imo! Love it!
10-7-2020 Intel Guru Delta Everybody knows that the 'white papers' does include a lot of reforms...One of them is the currency reform...the "white paper" is completed and the Office of the Prime Minister Kazemi did receive it this week. He's going to look at it. After he is done he is going to send it to the Parliament...what the white paper is is basically instructions on what they're planning to do to improve the economy of the country. Why are you hiding that? Why is it taking two months? ...there is something going on...what is going on is very very important.
10-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Rumor: Iraq has new Dinar RV rate at $15.00] I have heard that same chatter… I have exhaustedly searched to find that in print anywhere. I cannot find it but it is not far off from what Dr. Shabibi said the rate could be 9 years ago. This was back when Maliki was in charge. Okie [Guru Okie-Oil-Man] was expecting $14+ from tremendously good sources inside Iraq. Then things got stalled…It would not surprise me to see that rate. We have shared the
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before of Shabibi saying they could support a rate of $17 to 1…he was addressing the UN I believe and talking about the revaluation of the currency. I am trying to get proof of this from contacts in Iraq…
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...I was expecting another announcement in the news. It just has not shown up yet. If it does later on I will do an update because it's good news. I just don't want to jump the gun right now. It's just rumors but I have a feeling they're gonna make some kind of an announcement on it...
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...hope everyone has their exit strategy plan because the facts are showing you that you're closing in and reaching the end. We look amazing...this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. There's no rush. I wouldn't recommend anyone rush and make an exchange...the Central Bank of Iraq had an article out around 2012 it said the 2 currencies would coexist for a period of 10 years. So at one time Iraq has told us we will have 10 years to get the notes exchanged...no rush...
10-7-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 You now know what "white papers" definition means. It's an agreement of the monetary reform between the Central Bank of Iraq and the IMF...What do you think they are taking about? Their currency...And who do you think put it together? The Fab 4. I want to thank MY PRESIDENT! Donald Trump...we pray for you...the white papers contain the date and the rate...
10-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am told now that there is no negotiation on rates. I believe this to be true. I am told there will be only one rate offered period when we go in…and that this is non-negotiable. This rate is covered in a treaty and I believe this is accurate... As I understand it…you make an apt from info from your email, from dinar sites...you will automatically get the contract rate…if you just walk in off the street…go to your local teller - then you will get the street rate.
10-7-2020 Newshound Guru Militiaman ...they are very much talking in bold verbiage. "Implementing". "The first steps started". "Radical solutions being completed". You can't get any better than this.
10-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...We're finding out about all this. Guess what? So are the people of Iraq. The citizens of Iraq are seeing this and hearing this. Their expectations are immediate...it's amazing where we're at. Not only do the people know but so does the international world. Everybody knows what's going on now.