11-12-2020, 10:23 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-12-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-12-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Iraq Ports opens a branch of the Arab Islamic Mashreq Bank to facilitate financial services" This Islamic bank must know it...it is now safe and secure!! The place was a smuggling haven in 2003... For this to be in the stage of opening banks in this port is very telling... Just as the Port of Anara with Saudi Arabia is now...The ITBs banks are even gearing to finally open branches. Not just one but many in SA... IMO All good..
11-12-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...They've done it! They've approved the borrowing law. The 3rd and final reading is all done... Article: "Parliament passes the borrowing bill and gives a green light to pay salaries" ...it's not a legal binding law yet. The next thing they're going to do is pass it off to the president for signature. That will not happen until next week...The president has to sign off on it so it can be a legally binding law and can be printed in the gazette. That won't happen until next week...by the 21st...there's nothing else remaining. This is the last and final step required for the rate change...they can change the rate anytime after that...
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Al-Kazemi announces the launch of salaries after the approval of the loan law" From the looks of what we are seeing the investment side of things is pushing forward...They really need the investment, reconstruction and employment. Paying salaries, creating future income to support those salaries is a function of going to a market economy... Full steam ahead...And it looks to be quite quickly now too.
11-11-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "PLANNING EXPOSES THE LIES OF POLITICIZED PUBLICATIONS: THE IRAQI-CHINESE AGREEMENT IS LAUNCHED FOR IMPLEMENTATION ... AND THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE WITH EGYPT" Quote: "...we will announce some of its programs within the next two days and the steps TO ACTIVATE THE AGREEMENT THAT BEGAN WITH THE ERA OF HAIDER AL-ABADI'S GOVERNMENT AND WAS COMPLETED WITH THE ERA OF ABDUL-MAHDI, AND TODAY IT IS IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION" we know part of this agreement was having the ability to transfer funds easily in and out of Iraq. So are we that close to the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar? This is a very good announcement for us.
11-11-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...we’re in pretty good shape right now – we really are – I know sometimes it’s hard to see it...I think our patience is being tried during this time – not only because of the election and waiting for results – but also based on the fact that this ride has been going on for quite a long time... I appreciate that – I am thinking we are just about ready to call it The End... Thursday...Iraq is planning to have the investment law passed – and the investment law contains the actual in country rate of Iraqi Dinar... they were supposed to make their international rate known last Saturday –I’m not sure that happened...One of our sources is calling ...Thursday “Christmas”...I believe it’s quite possible...I feel really good about it – and I’m looking forward to this coming to it’s final conclusion...
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana In the US of A, we have a political fustercluck [a complex and utterly disordered and mismanaged situation...by Merriam-Webster]..., and like I said last week...the winner of the election doesn't really affect what Iraq can and will do. It does, however, have an impact on what current President Trump may do in his (possibly) final months as CEO of the USA. Pushing Iraq towards an increase in wealth would be an incredible thing to add to the list of accomplishments, don't you think? I do...
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The price of Oil is...important to Iraq, and that's doing fine... Also important is the political state in Iraq, and that too is doing fine...So... what's the holdup? HCL. And Article 140, to a limited extent, being limited to it's importance to the HCL...Good news, though...that's being worked on, and progress is being made... Don't give up yet, friends...things are moving...GOOOOO RRRRVVVVV!!!!
11-11-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know others are saying tomorrow is our payday “Christmas” …but I do not think money movement is where it needs to be yet…I hope I am wrong. I have had 3 days of good ******* coming out of Iraq and Vietnam which has me very hopeful.
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Parliament holds a voting session on the borrowing law" ...we're looking for two things after this...We're looking for parliament to come out and say that they have finished and completed voting on the Borrowing Law. We need to see an article that's saying it's fully approved and done by parliament. And then the second article is we're looking for the law to be passed off to the president. We need him to sign it. It needs to be a legal binding law...those are the steps we need to see with the law before you're going to see that rate change...the president most likely is not going to sign it until probably next week sometime...
11-11-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we, as investors have trillions of this currency [IQD] in our holdings. Don’t hear much about this do you? They must come after our holdings...to get these notes out of circulation. The only way they are going to get mine is for me to exchange them at the banks for substantially more than what I paid for them.
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-12-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Iraq Ports opens a branch of the Arab Islamic Mashreq Bank to facilitate financial services" This Islamic bank must know it...it is now safe and secure!! The place was a smuggling haven in 2003... For this to be in the stage of opening banks in this port is very telling... Just as the Port of Anara with Saudi Arabia is now...The ITBs banks are even gearing to finally open branches. Not just one but many in SA... IMO All good..
11-12-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...They've done it! They've approved the borrowing law. The 3rd and final reading is all done... Article: "Parliament passes the borrowing bill and gives a green light to pay salaries" ...it's not a legal binding law yet. The next thing they're going to do is pass it off to the president for signature. That will not happen until next week...The president has to sign off on it so it can be a legally binding law and can be printed in the gazette. That won't happen until next week...by the 21st...there's nothing else remaining. This is the last and final step required for the rate change...they can change the rate anytime after that...
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Al-Kazemi announces the launch of salaries after the approval of the loan law" From the looks of what we are seeing the investment side of things is pushing forward...They really need the investment, reconstruction and employment. Paying salaries, creating future income to support those salaries is a function of going to a market economy... Full steam ahead...And it looks to be quite quickly now too.
11-11-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "PLANNING EXPOSES THE LIES OF POLITICIZED PUBLICATIONS: THE IRAQI-CHINESE AGREEMENT IS LAUNCHED FOR IMPLEMENTATION ... AND THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE WITH EGYPT" Quote: "...we will announce some of its programs within the next two days and the steps TO ACTIVATE THE AGREEMENT THAT BEGAN WITH THE ERA OF HAIDER AL-ABADI'S GOVERNMENT AND WAS COMPLETED WITH THE ERA OF ABDUL-MAHDI, AND TODAY IT IS IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION" we know part of this agreement was having the ability to transfer funds easily in and out of Iraq. So are we that close to the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar? This is a very good announcement for us.
11-11-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...we’re in pretty good shape right now – we really are – I know sometimes it’s hard to see it...I think our patience is being tried during this time – not only because of the election and waiting for results – but also based on the fact that this ride has been going on for quite a long time... I appreciate that – I am thinking we are just about ready to call it The End... Thursday...Iraq is planning to have the investment law passed – and the investment law contains the actual in country rate of Iraqi Dinar... they were supposed to make their international rate known last Saturday –I’m not sure that happened...One of our sources is calling ...Thursday “Christmas”...I believe it’s quite possible...I feel really good about it – and I’m looking forward to this coming to it’s final conclusion...
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana In the US of A, we have a political fustercluck [a complex and utterly disordered and mismanaged situation...by Merriam-Webster]..., and like I said last week...the winner of the election doesn't really affect what Iraq can and will do. It does, however, have an impact on what current President Trump may do in his (possibly) final months as CEO of the USA. Pushing Iraq towards an increase in wealth would be an incredible thing to add to the list of accomplishments, don't you think? I do...
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The price of Oil is...important to Iraq, and that's doing fine... Also important is the political state in Iraq, and that too is doing fine...So... what's the holdup? HCL. And Article 140, to a limited extent, being limited to it's importance to the HCL...Good news, though...that's being worked on, and progress is being made... Don't give up yet, friends...things are moving...GOOOOO RRRRVVVVV!!!!
11-11-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know others are saying tomorrow is our payday “Christmas” …but I do not think money movement is where it needs to be yet…I hope I am wrong. I have had 3 days of good ******* coming out of Iraq and Vietnam which has me very hopeful.
11-11-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Parliament holds a voting session on the borrowing law" ...we're looking for two things after this...We're looking for parliament to come out and say that they have finished and completed voting on the Borrowing Law. We need to see an article that's saying it's fully approved and done by parliament. And then the second article is we're looking for the law to be passed off to the president. We need him to sign it. It needs to be a legal binding law...those are the steps we need to see with the law before you're going to see that rate change...the president most likely is not going to sign it until probably next week sometime...
11-11-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...we, as investors have trillions of this currency [IQD] in our holdings. Don’t hear much about this do you? They must come after our holdings...to get these notes out of circulation. The only way they are going to get mine is for me to exchange them at the banks for substantially more than what I paid for them.