11-21-2020, 09:29 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-21-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MINISTER OF TRADE: JOINING THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION IS THE WAY TO BUILD A RESILIENT IRAQI ECONOMY" ...the WTO was coming back to Iraq for another round of talks in November. They had these talks and this is a news article about the results. It appears there are still issues concerning the accession that need to be addressed. But will these issues prevent or prolong the “full” accession? They do not tell us in the article and we have to wait and see what happens in the coming months. What do I think? I think there is so much lining up for a January 2021 reinstatement and a delete the zeros project implementation sometime in December 2020. But this is my opinion from all the news we are seeing in articles and hearing from the CBI.
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Al-Kaabi: The President of the Republic does not have the power to veto laws and return them to the Parliament" ...this article is telling you that once parliament approves a law, whether the president signs it or not, it's automatically ratified in 15 days after its date of delivery to the president of the republic...they approved it [Borrowing Law] last Thursday...
11-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] If you look at Iraq- there is a whole lot going on. They are positioned for a revaluation or reinstatement. Erbil agreement is moving forward. PM is not wanting to sign off on lending law….He does not want to have to borrow to pay salaries. IMO they would rather go ahead with at least a reinstatement . They are ready to join the WTO (World Trade Organization)... which I thought they had already done that so I did some digging…They are cleared to join but had not done so yet- is my understanding.
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...we're watching a few items - 2021 budget, upcoming elections, and the HCL being fairly key. ...With regards to the upcoming elections...the confidence they currently have in the future of Iraq's political stability. Political stability is huge for this process. The lack of civil unrest, the low level of drama in the streets, and the continued progress in Parliament is absolutely essential for this pot to boil over...We have that. It's obvious from where we are sitting, and it's obvious to them as well.
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...Regarding the Budget, we always hear dates and timelines for things. I dismiss most of those as "noise" - but from my sources this week, there is a strong likelihood that this is going to hold up and possibly even be pushed through sooner than expected... Last but not least is the HCL... where are we with that? It's all tied together. As long as the two items above continue to go well, I understand that there is a high level of confidence in the HCL coming together as well. Rapidly. And we all know what that means. GOOO RRRRVVVVVV!!!
11-20-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...We know that we are in a very slow roll out of this RV – but it has started – it started last week...So – I’m excited that the rough idea of the timeline – I believe we will go around Thanksgiving at this point we could do something but as of right now I think we will get started before hand...
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "After meeting with the components of Sinjar, Plashart urges Baghdad and Erbil to speed up the implementation of the agreement" Here's another post rate change article. These things just keep pouring out now that they're at the end of the borrowing law...these patterns are very telling and revealing...reconstruction, improved services and returning displaced people to their homes those are the reforms right there...they're pumping out right now reform articles and post rate change articles...they're coming out left and right now that you're at the end of the borrowing law. Again the borrowing law is simply waiting on nothing more than a presidential signature which we hope to see by Saturday.
11-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Will the RV happen before January 1st?] I will be stunned, floored and confused if we have not seen a change of value by then. Iraq seems to be pushing everything to make it happen…Most of our news is still coming out of the middle east as we have Iraq positioned for a revalue or a reinstatement of their currency...
11-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQI FINANCE PREPARES TO IMPLEMENT AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM...AND EXPLAINS 'BENEFITS' " I have explained the significance of implementing this automated system. It goes to FOREX to get the current rates of currencies to calculate the conversion. The dinar will have to be “live” and trading on FOREX for this to even work. So what are they telling us without telling us?
11-20-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 You're about to see IMO the Erbil stock exchange go online at any moment now...the ESX is linked with the ISX. You're going to see these stock exchanges are allowing international investments to occur with their stock markets...you're going to see a plethora, an avalanche, a cornucopia, a pinata explode of investors coming into the ISX and the ESX...when the ESX and ISX go international it will be with a new exchange rate for their currency.
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff I don't know if you guys have noticed the level of articles coming out. They have ending and completion written all over them. There was one article this morning talking about Iraq joining the World Trade. They could only do that when their currency is internally recognized. There's a second one talking about the only way to revive Iraq's economy is to reform the banking sector to promote and launch investment...These articles...have ending and completing all over them as Iraq reaches the end of that borrowing law...
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MINISTER OF TRADE: JOINING THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION IS THE WAY TO BUILD A RESILIENT IRAQI ECONOMY" ...the WTO was coming back to Iraq for another round of talks in November. They had these talks and this is a news article about the results. It appears there are still issues concerning the accession that need to be addressed. But will these issues prevent or prolong the “full” accession? They do not tell us in the article and we have to wait and see what happens in the coming months. What do I think? I think there is so much lining up for a January 2021 reinstatement and a delete the zeros project implementation sometime in December 2020. But this is my opinion from all the news we are seeing in articles and hearing from the CBI.
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Al-Kaabi: The President of the Republic does not have the power to veto laws and return them to the Parliament" ...this article is telling you that once parliament approves a law, whether the president signs it or not, it's automatically ratified in 15 days after its date of delivery to the president of the republic...they approved it [Borrowing Law] last Thursday...
11-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] If you look at Iraq- there is a whole lot going on. They are positioned for a revaluation or reinstatement. Erbil agreement is moving forward. PM is not wanting to sign off on lending law….He does not want to have to borrow to pay salaries. IMO they would rather go ahead with at least a reinstatement . They are ready to join the WTO (World Trade Organization)... which I thought they had already done that so I did some digging…They are cleared to join but had not done so yet- is my understanding.
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...we're watching a few items - 2021 budget, upcoming elections, and the HCL being fairly key. ...With regards to the upcoming elections...the confidence they currently have in the future of Iraq's political stability. Political stability is huge for this process. The lack of civil unrest, the low level of drama in the streets, and the continued progress in Parliament is absolutely essential for this pot to boil over...We have that. It's obvious from where we are sitting, and it's obvious to them as well.
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...Regarding the Budget, we always hear dates and timelines for things. I dismiss most of those as "noise" - but from my sources this week, there is a strong likelihood that this is going to hold up and possibly even be pushed through sooner than expected... Last but not least is the HCL... where are we with that? It's all tied together. As long as the two items above continue to go well, I understand that there is a high level of confidence in the HCL coming together as well. Rapidly. And we all know what that means. GOOO RRRRVVVVVV!!!
11-20-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...We know that we are in a very slow roll out of this RV – but it has started – it started last week...So – I’m excited that the rough idea of the timeline – I believe we will go around Thanksgiving at this point we could do something but as of right now I think we will get started before hand...
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "After meeting with the components of Sinjar, Plashart urges Baghdad and Erbil to speed up the implementation of the agreement" Here's another post rate change article. These things just keep pouring out now that they're at the end of the borrowing law...these patterns are very telling and revealing...reconstruction, improved services and returning displaced people to their homes those are the reforms right there...they're pumping out right now reform articles and post rate change articles...they're coming out left and right now that you're at the end of the borrowing law. Again the borrowing law is simply waiting on nothing more than a presidential signature which we hope to see by Saturday.
11-20-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Will the RV happen before January 1st?] I will be stunned, floored and confused if we have not seen a change of value by then. Iraq seems to be pushing everything to make it happen…Most of our news is still coming out of the middle east as we have Iraq positioned for a revalue or a reinstatement of their currency...
11-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "IRAQI FINANCE PREPARES TO IMPLEMENT AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM...AND EXPLAINS 'BENEFITS' " I have explained the significance of implementing this automated system. It goes to FOREX to get the current rates of currencies to calculate the conversion. The dinar will have to be “live” and trading on FOREX for this to even work. So what are they telling us without telling us?
11-20-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 You're about to see IMO the Erbil stock exchange go online at any moment now...the ESX is linked with the ISX. You're going to see these stock exchanges are allowing international investments to occur with their stock markets...you're going to see a plethora, an avalanche, a cornucopia, a pinata explode of investors coming into the ISX and the ESX...when the ESX and ISX go international it will be with a new exchange rate for their currency.
11-20-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff I don't know if you guys have noticed the level of articles coming out. They have ending and completion written all over them. There was one article this morning talking about Iraq joining the World Trade. They could only do that when their currency is internally recognized. There's a second one talking about the only way to revive Iraq's economy is to reform the banking sector to promote and launch investment...These articles...have ending and completing all over them as Iraq reaches the end of that borrowing law...