11-22-2020, 10:14 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-22-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-22-2020 Newshound/Intel Petra Article: "The Iraqi Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements agree to increase investment opportunities" Quotes: "The Central Bank of Iraq held a remote meeting with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to discuss prospects for joint cooperation and investment mechanisms between the two parties."; "the two sides agreed on the contribution of the Bank for International Settlements to enhance the capabilities of the Central Bank of Iraq and increase investment opportunities in foreign reserves." Who better knows they are under Article 14 and cannot transact internationally...unless? So why make this commitment of investment? It's a rhetorical question! And yes, of course they would know about the rate change because they are the ones who will notify all the other CB's around the world when it is formally announced by the CBI. Somethings coming!!! Watch the CBI!!!
11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "The government intends to "peek" parliament...Alternative solution to "rejecting internal borrowing" in the 2021 budget: resorting to citizens' money!" ...a very good article...I keep trying to tell you guys they've got to have the rate changed before they can really even start the approval and creation process of that '21 budget...this has 21 budget post rate change written all over it...
11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...one of the rumors that I seen flying around was Al-Kazemi has secretly spoke with President Trump and he said once he landed into Iraq he was going to go ahead and implement the rate change. Here's the thing when it comes to this rate change. They're not going to announce it...they're not going to tell anybody. They just do the rate change...you'll just wake up one day and a rate change will be done. That's how it's going to work. Somebody will spot it first they'll start spreading it. People will find out. It'll spread like wildfire. Then you'll know it's done...
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq can only change their rate over a weekend. Not on weekdays. Iraq will only change their rate on what is their Sunday morning. I'm not saying this Sunday morning I'm saying on a random Sunday morning...
11-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "A NEW REFORM PAPER FROM PARLIAMENT...TO BE COMBINED WITH THE WHITE PAPER" Quote: "The circumstances of the financial crisis and the collapse of oil prices in global markets and the repercussions of the Corona virus pandemic prompted Mustafa Al-Kazemi's government to review the financial policy in Iraq in order to overcome the financial distress threatening the Iraqi economy." ... Iraq has had plenty of opportunity to reform their economy way before the corona virus and a drop in oil prices stuck. The heart of the problem is corruption. I will say it again – Iraq will not revise their economy unless they address the corruption and all those involved...
11-21-2020 Intel Guru Footforward They need international investment. They need that for a revaluation to happen. The RV can't be sustained without international investment coming back into the country...
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Finance: the automation system will enhance the management of the financial position" ...They cannot go live with this automation without being article 8 compliant...The CBI is talking about major and influential reforms.. Well, imo being article 8 compliant to get hooked up with this new system with upwards of 80 - 90 countries and to be influential suggests that they are going to be serious and competitive in trade... IMO! They have no way to go but to go Article 8. They are in cooperation with the UN. They minister was given the go ahead to negotiate the contract. Well, he is not going to show up with out knowing what to fill in the spread sheet in (IQD= / $) with...So lets see what they do. My bet is there is no turning back now...imo.
11-21-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] ...the banks over there…bringing their staff up to speed for a change in value. I am told the plan is to change the value by an Revalue or reinstatement. After there is a change in value – then they redenominate…meaning they release their lower denomination bills...If they do a reinstatement my understanding is they go back to their original rate and figure in consumer pricing, and inflation…so I believe the old rate was $3.22. So adding in a bit more for inflation gives you a rough idea what the street rate will be.
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Parliament Finance: Parliament is ready to read and approve the 2021 budget in intensive sessions" the salaries and the 2021 budget are flat out waiting on the rate change period.
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Al-Kaabi: The President of the Republic does not have the power to veto laws and return them to the Parliament" ...this article is telling you that once parliament approves a law, whether the president signs it or not, it's automatically ratified in 15 days after its date of delivery to the president of the republic...they approved it [Borrowing Law] last Thursday...
11-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MINISTER OF TRADE: JOINING THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION IS THE WAY TO BUILD A RESILIENT IRAQI ECONOMY" ...the WTO was coming back to Iraq for another round of talks in November. They had these talks and this is a news article about the results. It appears there are still issues concerning the accession that need to be addressed. But will these issues prevent or prolong the “full” accession? They do not tell us in the article and we have to wait and see what happens in the coming months. What do I think? I think there is so much lining up for a January 2021 reinstatement and a delete the zeros project implementation sometime in December 2020. But this is my opinion from all the news we are seeing in articles and hearing from the CBI.
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
11-22-2020 Newshound/Intel Petra Article: "The Iraqi Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements agree to increase investment opportunities" Quotes: "The Central Bank of Iraq held a remote meeting with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to discuss prospects for joint cooperation and investment mechanisms between the two parties."; "the two sides agreed on the contribution of the Bank for International Settlements to enhance the capabilities of the Central Bank of Iraq and increase investment opportunities in foreign reserves." Who better knows they are under Article 14 and cannot transact internationally...unless? So why make this commitment of investment? It's a rhetorical question! And yes, of course they would know about the rate change because they are the ones who will notify all the other CB's around the world when it is formally announced by the CBI. Somethings coming!!! Watch the CBI!!!
11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "The government intends to "peek" parliament...Alternative solution to "rejecting internal borrowing" in the 2021 budget: resorting to citizens' money!" ...a very good article...I keep trying to tell you guys they've got to have the rate changed before they can really even start the approval and creation process of that '21 budget...this has 21 budget post rate change written all over it...
11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...one of the rumors that I seen flying around was Al-Kazemi has secretly spoke with President Trump and he said once he landed into Iraq he was going to go ahead and implement the rate change. Here's the thing when it comes to this rate change. They're not going to announce it...they're not going to tell anybody. They just do the rate change...you'll just wake up one day and a rate change will be done. That's how it's going to work. Somebody will spot it first they'll start spreading it. People will find out. It'll spread like wildfire. Then you'll know it's done...
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq can only change their rate over a weekend. Not on weekdays. Iraq will only change their rate on what is their Sunday morning. I'm not saying this Sunday morning I'm saying on a random Sunday morning...
11-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "A NEW REFORM PAPER FROM PARLIAMENT...TO BE COMBINED WITH THE WHITE PAPER" Quote: "The circumstances of the financial crisis and the collapse of oil prices in global markets and the repercussions of the Corona virus pandemic prompted Mustafa Al-Kazemi's government to review the financial policy in Iraq in order to overcome the financial distress threatening the Iraqi economy." ... Iraq has had plenty of opportunity to reform their economy way before the corona virus and a drop in oil prices stuck. The heart of the problem is corruption. I will say it again – Iraq will not revise their economy unless they address the corruption and all those involved...
11-21-2020 Intel Guru Footforward They need international investment. They need that for a revaluation to happen. The RV can't be sustained without international investment coming back into the country...
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Finance: the automation system will enhance the management of the financial position" ...They cannot go live with this automation without being article 8 compliant...The CBI is talking about major and influential reforms.. Well, imo being article 8 compliant to get hooked up with this new system with upwards of 80 - 90 countries and to be influential suggests that they are going to be serious and competitive in trade... IMO! They have no way to go but to go Article 8. They are in cooperation with the UN. They minister was given the go ahead to negotiate the contract. Well, he is not going to show up with out knowing what to fill in the spread sheet in (IQD= / $) with...So lets see what they do. My bet is there is no turning back now...imo.
11-21-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] ...the banks over there…bringing their staff up to speed for a change in value. I am told the plan is to change the value by an Revalue or reinstatement. After there is a change in value – then they redenominate…meaning they release their lower denomination bills...If they do a reinstatement my understanding is they go back to their original rate and figure in consumer pricing, and inflation…so I believe the old rate was $3.22. So adding in a bit more for inflation gives you a rough idea what the street rate will be.
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Parliament Finance: Parliament is ready to read and approve the 2021 budget in intensive sessions" the salaries and the 2021 budget are flat out waiting on the rate change period.
11-21-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Al-Kaabi: The President of the Republic does not have the power to veto laws and return them to the Parliament" ...this article is telling you that once parliament approves a law, whether the president signs it or not, it's automatically ratified in 15 days after its date of delivery to the president of the republic...they approved it [Borrowing Law] last Thursday...
11-21-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "MINISTER OF TRADE: JOINING THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION IS THE WAY TO BUILD A RESILIENT IRAQI ECONOMY" ...the WTO was coming back to Iraq for another round of talks in November. They had these talks and this is a news article about the results. It appears there are still issues concerning the accession that need to be addressed. But will these issues prevent or prolong the “full” accession? They do not tell us in the article and we have to wait and see what happens in the coming months. What do I think? I think there is so much lining up for a January 2021 reinstatement and a delete the zeros project implementation sometime in December 2020. But this is my opinion from all the news we are seeing in articles and hearing from the CBI.