View Full Version : Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-23-2020

11-23-2020, 09:36 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Deleting 3 zeros from the currency...Parliamentary finance is suspended and determines the size of the cost and the economic effects " ...I look at this article as being another fair warning of the change that is to come...not only are they thinking about the deletion of the zeros, it has been in the works for many years now and is about to be launched. imo...They...what the focus is. It is actually deleting three zeros from the exchange rate, which reduces the number (as they show) from 1000 to 1, which then begets 1/1 and with that comes great purchasing power...imo...

11-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...always ask yourself what are the odds of them allowing people to know in advance that a rate change is about to happen? It would cause a tsunami of people, speculators, running over there and trying to grab more dinar and causing more problems for Iraq...

11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article "Private banks announce support for central bank reforms to develop the Iraqi economy" the banks are happy about the reform papers...you were told that the rate change is in these papers. We know they told us that the DISCUSSION of the rate change is in the papers. Are they going to announce anything? I don't know. But there' is nothing out there that says that once these are implemented that the rate change would be part of it. All we know it that they told us that they would discuss it. That means the rate change can happen at any time when you least expect it.

11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is talking from their butt on this. Half the crap they tell you is not even true...let's back up to last year...they didn't change the rate...but...on March 21st of last year they told you...they had full intentional of increasing their exchange rate...then through the middle of last year they put out a crap-load of articles talking about coins and how coins could only be released based on the parameters that they increase the exchange rate...so they give us all this information last year suggesting they have full intentions of increasing their exchange rate. Then they don't. And then this year all they put out are these articles talking about physically lopping the currency. They're just screwing with your head. You can't take these articles serious. All they've done is pumping BS to you. These articles are complete lies.

11-22-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Will other currencies RV along with the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar? I have never discounted any other currency from also RVing along with the reinstatement, as this might also be a good time to do them. But the one thing that I hate the most is this talk about a “planned” GCR (global currency reset). There is no such thing as a GCR going to happen and there never was...

11-22-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Yesterday Iraq Finance Minister is given the green light to negotiate with AYSCUDA. The negotiations would have to be with information that would need to have been obtained from the CBI to negotiate Iraq's procedures to get up to international standards as that is expected of a Country that to be a modern market economy.. The BIS may be our icing on the cake. Imo IT IS!!! [ASYCUDA provides the core software and related expertise to create an efficient and effective environment for the management of Customs operations"]

11-22-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some bankers were disappointed Saturday, they were expecting to exchange us...we look forward to Sunday for the next opportunity! TIME WILL TELL.

11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...one of the rumors that I seen flying around was Al-Kazemi has secretly spoke with President Trump and he said once he landed into Iraq he was going to go ahead and implement the rate change. Here's the thing when it comes to this rate change. They're not going to announce it...they're not going to tell anybody. They just do the rate change...you'll just wake up one day and a rate change will be done. That's how it's going to work. Somebody will spot it first they'll start spreading it. People will find out. It'll spread like wildfire. Then you'll know it's done...

11-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "The government intends to "peek" parliament...Alternative solution to "rejecting internal borrowing" in the 2021 budget: resorting to citizens' money!" ...a very good article...I keep trying to tell you guys they've got to have the rate changed before they can really even start the approval and creation process of that '21 budget...this has 21 budget post rate change written all over it...
