12-16-2020, 09:31 AM
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Everything is still on track for early Jan 2021 reinstatement. It is mid-December already and so we should witness the project to delete the zeros sooner than later. Remember that the CBI would like to have 1 to 2 weeks prior to the reinstatement in order to monitor for inflation and make corrections if needed. So we are still moving in the right direction and that is what matters...
12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Article quote: "the exchange rate has reasons and obligations that have decided by the central bank." ...Their words not ours...watch the CBI...it's coming...
12-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: "Rapid decline of the Iraqi currency ... 132,000 dinars against 100 US dollars" Is it going in the wrong direction at the moment? Yes it is at the moment. Just at the moment. This isn't the official exchange rate. This is what's going on there internally...they're hearing rumors that they're going to devalue the dinar...I see the rumors going back and forth on whether the dinar is going to devalue or if it's going to increase in value. I'm watching it. As soon as I hear anything official we'll bring that on out.
12-15-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 We're at the point where the ATM machines are locked and loaded. They are ready to go. They have the software. They have the new small category notes...
12-15-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...We listen to them [IMF] when they talk. We listen to the BIS when they talk. And we listen to the World Bank when they talk...all three seem to have the same message going on that we've been watching over the past weeks. If we look internally at Iraq we continue to get the same kind of messages and notifications...watch the CBI...
12-15-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: "Dinar value falls as Iraq contemplates currency devaluation" Why is this story important? I was always told we would see an “unpegging” just before it…and we would also see a “misinformation” campaign similar to the one we saw in Kuwait before they RV’d…..and we are seeing exactly what we saw in Kuwait….and its been happening over the last couple of days. This tells me to look for “value changes” coming soon in Iraq...I am excited about seeing these stories coming out of Iraq. This mirrors what we have seen before revaluations in other countries in modern history.
12-15-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...the floor managers right about now...they know. They know what they need to know from the senior executive level...and now this week we believe the tellers are next...it's not a secret anymore. The reason why is the tellers, who are really connected to the citizens - they're next...the next two weeks of December are crucial...
12-15-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...we are in the end times with regards to our investment in the Iraqi dinar...we know time is short because the IMF has made a very clear indication in articles about what's going on with the exchange rate. Through the IMF, Iraq has committed to changing their rate prior to the end of the year...That's not coming from us. That's not coming from Iraq. That's coming from the IMF themselves. One of the most influential and powerful organizations in the world...
12-15-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is this week going to be Golden?] We appear to be in the “final days”. [do you think RV before Christmas?] I do think Iraq will have a rate change in Iraq at least- before Christmas. But, I reserve the right to be wrong….
12-14-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Which is the savior of the Iraqi economy ... internal or external financial diversification?" More data to support they are gearing to go out to external markets with and international exchange rate. They are moving to an external debt source of financing in where it creates more investments and creates more jobs for SMEs. By doing so it will support the new market economy and with a better likelihood to be successful in doing so. Iraq has plenty of youths to fit the model.. imo This looks very good.. "Prices that return to normal?" Would that imply they are about ready to go back to the glory days? They say they are going to delete the three zeros from the exchange rate or at least change it during this fiscal year. They also tell us the Dinar is to converge with the Dollar, too. 1:1 in country. imo!
12-14-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Is the HCL going to finally be implemented and made law!..] that and article 140 should go hand in hand.
12-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Could this possibly be our week?] Yes it could… So far today...Iraq does not have a change in value of the dinar…they are expecting by mid month and we are right there…right now…hopefully this will be our “Breaking week”... [I just saw on Dinar Guru that the dinar just dropped 20 points.] That is a good sign…it means the dinar is unpegging…look for a dip and then a spike. This is exactly how I was told 15-20 years ago how it would unfold…it is now unfolding as I had heard it would… [So are we looking at a 2021 RV or an 2022 RV?] I think we are in the midst of it right now!!! I think we will know once and for all this week.
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions
12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Everything is still on track for early Jan 2021 reinstatement. It is mid-December already and so we should witness the project to delete the zeros sooner than later. Remember that the CBI would like to have 1 to 2 weeks prior to the reinstatement in order to monitor for inflation and make corrections if needed. So we are still moving in the right direction and that is what matters...
12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Article quote: "the exchange rate has reasons and obligations that have decided by the central bank." ...Their words not ours...watch the CBI...it's coming...
12-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: "Rapid decline of the Iraqi currency ... 132,000 dinars against 100 US dollars" Is it going in the wrong direction at the moment? Yes it is at the moment. Just at the moment. This isn't the official exchange rate. This is what's going on there internally...they're hearing rumors that they're going to devalue the dinar...I see the rumors going back and forth on whether the dinar is going to devalue or if it's going to increase in value. I'm watching it. As soon as I hear anything official we'll bring that on out.
12-15-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 We're at the point where the ATM machines are locked and loaded. They are ready to go. They have the software. They have the new small category notes...
12-15-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...We listen to them [IMF] when they talk. We listen to the BIS when they talk. And we listen to the World Bank when they talk...all three seem to have the same message going on that we've been watching over the past weeks. If we look internally at Iraq we continue to get the same kind of messages and notifications...watch the CBI...
12-15-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: "Dinar value falls as Iraq contemplates currency devaluation" Why is this story important? I was always told we would see an “unpegging” just before it…and we would also see a “misinformation” campaign similar to the one we saw in Kuwait before they RV’d…..and we are seeing exactly what we saw in Kuwait….and its been happening over the last couple of days. This tells me to look for “value changes” coming soon in Iraq...I am excited about seeing these stories coming out of Iraq. This mirrors what we have seen before revaluations in other countries in modern history.
12-15-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...the floor managers right about now...they know. They know what they need to know from the senior executive level...and now this week we believe the tellers are next...it's not a secret anymore. The reason why is the tellers, who are really connected to the citizens - they're next...the next two weeks of December are crucial...
12-15-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra ...we are in the end times with regards to our investment in the Iraqi dinar...we know time is short because the IMF has made a very clear indication in articles about what's going on with the exchange rate. Through the IMF, Iraq has committed to changing their rate prior to the end of the year...That's not coming from us. That's not coming from Iraq. That's coming from the IMF themselves. One of the most influential and powerful organizations in the world...
12-15-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is this week going to be Golden?] We appear to be in the “final days”. [do you think RV before Christmas?] I do think Iraq will have a rate change in Iraq at least- before Christmas. But, I reserve the right to be wrong….
12-14-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Which is the savior of the Iraqi economy ... internal or external financial diversification?" More data to support they are gearing to go out to external markets with and international exchange rate. They are moving to an external debt source of financing in where it creates more investments and creates more jobs for SMEs. By doing so it will support the new market economy and with a better likelihood to be successful in doing so. Iraq has plenty of youths to fit the model.. imo This looks very good.. "Prices that return to normal?" Would that imply they are about ready to go back to the glory days? They say they are going to delete the three zeros from the exchange rate or at least change it during this fiscal year. They also tell us the Dinar is to converge with the Dollar, too. 1:1 in country. imo!
12-14-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Is the HCL going to finally be implemented and made law!..] that and article 140 should go hand in hand.
12-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Could this possibly be our week?] Yes it could… So far today...Iraq does not have a change in value of the dinar…they are expecting by mid month and we are right there…right now…hopefully this will be our “Breaking week”... [I just saw on Dinar Guru that the dinar just dropped 20 points.] That is a good sign…it means the dinar is unpegging…look for a dip and then a spike. This is exactly how I was told 15-20 years ago how it would unfold…it is now unfolding as I had heard it would… [So are we looking at a 2021 RV or an 2022 RV?] I think we are in the midst of it right now!!! I think we will know once and for all this week.