02-19-2010, 08:03 PM
Political first: Maliki: everyone should be encouraged to unity and peace .. The democratic choice is the solution
Received an invitation to visit Serbia
Baghdad - Nasiriyah - morning
New Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki rejected any outside interference in the electoral process, while receiving a formal invitation to visit Serbia. Prime Minister said during his visit to the city of Nasiriyah yesterday: "The election is an Iraqi, and its starting to be the achievement of security and national unity.
He stressed the need to participate in the elections, saying, adding: "There is no reconstruction without security and no security without law," referring to the "achievements of security, political and economic achievements of the past four years. Maliki has arrived in the province of Dhi Qar province yesterday morning, accompanied by the Minister National Security Waeli and a number of officials.
It is said that the Prime Minister had received his official office in Baghdad on Monday, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Ermic.During the meeting, they discussed development of relations between the two countries in all fields, especially scientific and cultural.
And the transfer of a government statement received "morning," a copy of the Prime Minister said: "The theme of Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, through great suffering for the duration of the past that civil wars do not breed, but the damage and the ideas of division and separation.
I think that people realize that the division is a cause for foreign intervention, and everyone should be encouraged to seek unity and peace instead of division and separation," stressing said: "We in Iraq believe that time will resolve differences and problems, and the will of the people is crucial for everything, and the democratic choice that is our problem and solve your problem.
And increased Maliki "We have historic relations with Serbia We hope to return and expand, and it was a lot of Iraqi students go to Serbia to complete their studies in universities, and we have fond memories of bilateral relations.
For his part, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Ermic: "Iraq is undergoing a building is not without difficulty, and here we have a friend that brings out and stands by your side, and we are ready to cooperate with you in this area, and I am pleased to announce from here, Serbia's willingness to open the door of fellowship for Iraqi students starting this year, and we desire to cooperate with Iraq in the fields of science and culture. Ermic continued by saying: "I am very happy because I DEAUVILLE Serbian Foreign Minister to visit Iraq, and I am here is to support Iraq and expand relations with him in different areas", stressing his country's support the Iraqi government and to stand by her in her efforts to maintain the security and stability and prosperity of Iraq.
He also praised Iraq to respect international laws, and wished the success of the elections because they reflect the image of democracy in the new Iraq.
He pointed out that Serbia rejects the division and injustice, as Iraq's refusal to the dictatorial regime, "We are building a state based on democratic foundations of respect for the peace and international law. He drew Ermic an official invitation from the President of his country's government to the Prime Minister to visit Serbia.
Received an invitation to visit Serbia
Baghdad - Nasiriyah - morning
New Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki rejected any outside interference in the electoral process, while receiving a formal invitation to visit Serbia. Prime Minister said during his visit to the city of Nasiriyah yesterday: "The election is an Iraqi, and its starting to be the achievement of security and national unity.
He stressed the need to participate in the elections, saying, adding: "There is no reconstruction without security and no security without law," referring to the "achievements of security, political and economic achievements of the past four years. Maliki has arrived in the province of Dhi Qar province yesterday morning, accompanied by the Minister National Security Waeli and a number of officials.
It is said that the Prime Minister had received his official office in Baghdad on Monday, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Ermic.During the meeting, they discussed development of relations between the two countries in all fields, especially scientific and cultural.
And the transfer of a government statement received "morning," a copy of the Prime Minister said: "The theme of Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, through great suffering for the duration of the past that civil wars do not breed, but the damage and the ideas of division and separation.
I think that people realize that the division is a cause for foreign intervention, and everyone should be encouraged to seek unity and peace instead of division and separation," stressing said: "We in Iraq believe that time will resolve differences and problems, and the will of the people is crucial for everything, and the democratic choice that is our problem and solve your problem.
And increased Maliki "We have historic relations with Serbia We hope to return and expand, and it was a lot of Iraqi students go to Serbia to complete their studies in universities, and we have fond memories of bilateral relations.
For his part, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Ermic: "Iraq is undergoing a building is not without difficulty, and here we have a friend that brings out and stands by your side, and we are ready to cooperate with you in this area, and I am pleased to announce from here, Serbia's willingness to open the door of fellowship for Iraqi students starting this year, and we desire to cooperate with Iraq in the fields of science and culture. Ermic continued by saying: "I am very happy because I DEAUVILLE Serbian Foreign Minister to visit Iraq, and I am here is to support Iraq and expand relations with him in different areas", stressing his country's support the Iraqi government and to stand by her in her efforts to maintain the security and stability and prosperity of Iraq.
He also praised Iraq to respect international laws, and wished the success of the elections because they reflect the image of democracy in the new Iraq.
He pointed out that Serbia rejects the division and injustice, as Iraq's refusal to the dictatorial regime, "We are building a state based on democratic foundations of respect for the peace and international law. He drew Ermic an official invitation from the President of his country's government to the Prime Minister to visit Serbia.