View Full Version : Al-Azzawi : UN Security Council tries to solve the crisis, Iraqi government

08-06-2010, 02:09 AM
Al-Azzawi : UN Security Council tries to solve the crisis, Iraqi government
Confirmed leader of the Iraqi List, Hossam al-Azzawi said the Security Council tries to bridge the gap in views between the political parties .
Azzawi said in a statement published by news agency Thursday that the Security Council in his attempts to bridge the gap in views between the political parties to reach a solution on the formation of the government.
He said al-Azzawi said the Security Council statement did not give a binding decision but provided advice , stressing that the Iraqi List has examined what the United Nations.
In a statement signed by members of the 15 Security Council , the Council requested the Iraqi leaders to form a government and as soon as possible , representative government reflect the will of the Iraqi people.
In his latest report on Iraq , the Secretary- General Ban Ki -moon made a similar call to the Iraqi people , urging them to work together to reach an agreement through the process excludes no one, and without further delay due to external factors or internal.

Friday, August 06, 2010
