09-23-2010, 05:08 AM
Zebari speech to UN general assembly
September 22 2010
BAGHDAD – morning
Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said the next five years will witness a qualitative leap in the development process in Iraq, declaring the Government’s intention to provide 4 million jobs in a move aimed at addressing the problem of unemployment.
Zebari said: “The« economic situation in Iraq has greatly improved through a number of economic laws and financial and investment made by the Government and contributed to increased per capita income and purchasing power and improve its level of social welfare.
The foreign minister said during a speech Iraq at the International Conference of the development goals for 2010 in the General Assembly of the United Nations on Tuesday evening, said that «the government has a budget ambitious in 2010, it is not for reconstruction, but in order to build a sound economy and healthy to drive the advancement and progress to forward, firing on the fourth of last April’s national development plan for a period of five years (2010-2014) includes nearly direct in 2700 the draft Strategy in the various sectors, costing 186 billion dollars, in order to develop the Iraqi economy and improve the quality of services offered to Iraqis », stressing that implementation of this plan will contribute to a 4 million jobs in order to address the problem of unemployment.
With regard to Iraq seeking to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Zebari said: «We are now working to focus efforts to improve the performance of the agricultural sector and the provision of assistance to farmers to increase agricultural productivity, which in turn will provide food in the reduction of extreme poverty and hunger eradication, and increase family income and improve nutrition and provide health and medical supplies in order to reduce child mortality and maternal mortality.
He continued by saying: In the development of primary education and promoting educational support, has been the rehabilitation of this sector after the destruction it has suffered as a result of senseless wars waged by the former regime against its neighbors and its people, and by the violence and vandalism incidents in Iraq after the fall of that regime, They involved the rehabilitation work of this sector all the provinces and rural and remote areas in particular, and organized a community awareness campaign in order not to leave children to their schools.
The government also worked to remove all the obstacles and barriers to education of girls in primary, secondary and university, and led a campaign of social education to renounce some of the social norms that sometimes preclude girls from continuing their university education, in addition to strengthening social protection measures for women through the issuance of laws and equal employment opportunities, reflected the theme of gender equality through the presence of the three ministerial posts held by women in Iraq ». and on the health sector, the foreign minister stressed that the Ministry of Health has worked to strengthen health systems and horizontal expansion in the construction of hospitals and health centers and health care for expectant mothers, and treatment centers that epidemic diseases and endemic, and worked on the preparation of training sessions for cadres of health inside and outside Iraq with the assistance of United Nations specialized agencies in this area for capacity-building, to include health care for all citizens, especially poor and rural populations and young people of both sexes.
He added saying: «After the security situation in Iraq improve dramatically, the government has focused on promoting sustainable development, particularly in the area of ecological sustainability (coexistence of environmental bio) and to address climate change, which had developed and the Ministry of the Environment and for the first time in the history of modern Iraq, and issued environmental legislation in order to maintain a sustainable environment, and communicate with international partners to environmental capacity-building in Iraq », indicating that the« sustainable development should not be dissociated from the environment, and both challenges in a coherent and complementary to each other, and development can not continue in light of deteriorating environment, Nor can the protection of the environment when they do not take in account the cost of development to improve the environment.
Foreign Minister pointed out that Iraq is one of the countries seeking to implement sustainable development in its comprehensive concept, and environmental legislation and strategies and development plans, which emphasizes the principle of sustainability in development and integrated environmental management, and working to secure the environmental impact assessment studies for any development activity or a human is determined to do in Iraq, and integrating the environmental dimension of economic and social dimensions.
However, due to circumstances experienced by Iraq and the wars that have suffered during the previous regime, the environmental dimension of development had suffered significant damage, but there are serious attempts by the Iraqi constituencies relevant to improve the infrastructure of the environment.
Zebari also stressed that the global partnership is the cornerstone of international cooperation.
Currently, Iraq is, and by the ICCPR and to cooperate with UN programs, funds and specialized agencies to sustain work in partnership and international cooperation for reconstruction and building a free economy integrated with the surrounding regional and international levels, strengthening the capacity of the Iraqi people economic and improve the social situation.
In that sense, the Government has to take economic measures, the task at the international level, the most prominent, meet the obligations of Iraq with the International Monetary Fund, and the holding of bilateral agreements with trade creditors to settle debts and claims that he inherited from the former regime, and Iraq broke off a long way in this area, and through international cooperation in Iraq could reduce the proportion of 80% of the debt owed by the Paris Club, and we look forward to that other nations will follow Iraq’s creditor countries in dealing with the Paris Club bilateral debt.
The leaders of the countries of the world have recognized the year 2000 an ambitious program for a period of fifteen years to eradicate poverty and hunger, universal primary education and promoting gender equality and reducing child mortality, combating AIDS, environmental conservation and global partnership, and after ten years much has been achieved, but there are a lot of goals substandard and in need of further work.
Zebari also explained that «the process of development remains primarily a national responsibility can not be achieved without national ownership and leadership of the fields varied, and the national and regional particularities give to the process of development features, and works of national resources a major role in shaping its strategy, and therefore there is no patterns ready for development can be generalized », declaring that« the remaining five years to achieve the Millennium Development Goals requires hard work from everyone, and we in Iraq are looking forward to those years are crucial in making a quantum leap in the development process contribute to regional stability and progress.
September 22 2010
BAGHDAD – morning
Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said the next five years will witness a qualitative leap in the development process in Iraq, declaring the Government’s intention to provide 4 million jobs in a move aimed at addressing the problem of unemployment.
Zebari said: “The« economic situation in Iraq has greatly improved through a number of economic laws and financial and investment made by the Government and contributed to increased per capita income and purchasing power and improve its level of social welfare.
The foreign minister said during a speech Iraq at the International Conference of the development goals for 2010 in the General Assembly of the United Nations on Tuesday evening, said that «the government has a budget ambitious in 2010, it is not for reconstruction, but in order to build a sound economy and healthy to drive the advancement and progress to forward, firing on the fourth of last April’s national development plan for a period of five years (2010-2014) includes nearly direct in 2700 the draft Strategy in the various sectors, costing 186 billion dollars, in order to develop the Iraqi economy and improve the quality of services offered to Iraqis », stressing that implementation of this plan will contribute to a 4 million jobs in order to address the problem of unemployment.
With regard to Iraq seeking to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Zebari said: «We are now working to focus efforts to improve the performance of the agricultural sector and the provision of assistance to farmers to increase agricultural productivity, which in turn will provide food in the reduction of extreme poverty and hunger eradication, and increase family income and improve nutrition and provide health and medical supplies in order to reduce child mortality and maternal mortality.
He continued by saying: In the development of primary education and promoting educational support, has been the rehabilitation of this sector after the destruction it has suffered as a result of senseless wars waged by the former regime against its neighbors and its people, and by the violence and vandalism incidents in Iraq after the fall of that regime, They involved the rehabilitation work of this sector all the provinces and rural and remote areas in particular, and organized a community awareness campaign in order not to leave children to their schools.
The government also worked to remove all the obstacles and barriers to education of girls in primary, secondary and university, and led a campaign of social education to renounce some of the social norms that sometimes preclude girls from continuing their university education, in addition to strengthening social protection measures for women through the issuance of laws and equal employment opportunities, reflected the theme of gender equality through the presence of the three ministerial posts held by women in Iraq ». and on the health sector, the foreign minister stressed that the Ministry of Health has worked to strengthen health systems and horizontal expansion in the construction of hospitals and health centers and health care for expectant mothers, and treatment centers that epidemic diseases and endemic, and worked on the preparation of training sessions for cadres of health inside and outside Iraq with the assistance of United Nations specialized agencies in this area for capacity-building, to include health care for all citizens, especially poor and rural populations and young people of both sexes.
He added saying: «After the security situation in Iraq improve dramatically, the government has focused on promoting sustainable development, particularly in the area of ecological sustainability (coexistence of environmental bio) and to address climate change, which had developed and the Ministry of the Environment and for the first time in the history of modern Iraq, and issued environmental legislation in order to maintain a sustainable environment, and communicate with international partners to environmental capacity-building in Iraq », indicating that the« sustainable development should not be dissociated from the environment, and both challenges in a coherent and complementary to each other, and development can not continue in light of deteriorating environment, Nor can the protection of the environment when they do not take in account the cost of development to improve the environment.
Foreign Minister pointed out that Iraq is one of the countries seeking to implement sustainable development in its comprehensive concept, and environmental legislation and strategies and development plans, which emphasizes the principle of sustainability in development and integrated environmental management, and working to secure the environmental impact assessment studies for any development activity or a human is determined to do in Iraq, and integrating the environmental dimension of economic and social dimensions.
However, due to circumstances experienced by Iraq and the wars that have suffered during the previous regime, the environmental dimension of development had suffered significant damage, but there are serious attempts by the Iraqi constituencies relevant to improve the infrastructure of the environment.
Zebari also stressed that the global partnership is the cornerstone of international cooperation.
Currently, Iraq is, and by the ICCPR and to cooperate with UN programs, funds and specialized agencies to sustain work in partnership and international cooperation for reconstruction and building a free economy integrated with the surrounding regional and international levels, strengthening the capacity of the Iraqi people economic and improve the social situation.
In that sense, the Government has to take economic measures, the task at the international level, the most prominent, meet the obligations of Iraq with the International Monetary Fund, and the holding of bilateral agreements with trade creditors to settle debts and claims that he inherited from the former regime, and Iraq broke off a long way in this area, and through international cooperation in Iraq could reduce the proportion of 80% of the debt owed by the Paris Club, and we look forward to that other nations will follow Iraq’s creditor countries in dealing with the Paris Club bilateral debt.
The leaders of the countries of the world have recognized the year 2000 an ambitious program for a period of fifteen years to eradicate poverty and hunger, universal primary education and promoting gender equality and reducing child mortality, combating AIDS, environmental conservation and global partnership, and after ten years much has been achieved, but there are a lot of goals substandard and in need of further work.
Zebari also explained that «the process of development remains primarily a national responsibility can not be achieved without national ownership and leadership of the fields varied, and the national and regional particularities give to the process of development features, and works of national resources a major role in shaping its strategy, and therefore there is no patterns ready for development can be generalized », declaring that« the remaining five years to achieve the Millennium Development Goals requires hard work from everyone, and we in Iraq are looking forward to those years are crucial in making a quantum leap in the development process contribute to regional stability and progress.