View Full Version : Virtue: Maliki's task difficult and need support from all parties

11-24-2010, 09:37 AM
Virtue: Maliki's task difficult and need support from all parties
Saw a spokesman for the Islamic Virtue Party on behalf of the Sheriff, Wednesday, that the task of Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki to form a new government would be "difficult" and needs to be support from all parties, pointing to the non-assigning any ministry to any person after.
The Sheriff told (Voices of Iraq) that "Mr. Maliki did not cost so far (to form a government), after the assignment will be dialogues serious and more obvious depending on the progress of the negotiations," noting that "the most lawmakers felt difficulty of the task is really difficult and require support from all parties , because the government's success is a success for all. "
The Sheriff said Maliki "will face obstacles and problems in forming the government, especially as each block of the demands and interests which affect the process," adding that its ability "to attract Awakttiar candidates have the ability and professionalism in the management of ministries may clash with the desire of some of the blocs to nominate people to be loyal the party. "
And on the selection of some of the characters to take up ministerial portfolios in the new Maliki government, Sharif said that "any talk about the award of a Ministry of this or that statement is not true and baseless."
With regard to the claim separation of some parliamentary committees, he described as "a good process, The Committee on Employment and Social Services for example, should not remain the Commission and one to be concerned with seven or eight ministries of service, a lot of work not be able to contain a single committee, and this applies to security and defense committee, a process need the approval of Parliament. "

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
