View Full Version : News & Rumors
- Benjamin Fulford’s Blog Entry for Feb 17
- Rush limbaugh radio announcement
- Shock To NBC this Morning
- China Says It 'Cannot Be Any Clearer' on Yuan Rhetoric
- This is a link with several articles about the rv of the yuan,
- Building free homes for wounded vets
- Back from Iraq war, and alone
- I don't believe China Rv'd::Reuters 3-18-10 article IMO debunks rumor
- Mounting pressure on China to revalue yuan 3-18-10
- Trade Bank of Iraq implements real-time banking system
- Iraq, China and World Bank News - - >>>
- China could scrap Iraq's $8.5b debt
- Cork" plans to change the prices Rechargecardnumber from the dollar to the Iraqi dina
- Our constitutional duty and the census
- Please read THIS!!
- Polossi to butcher Constitution with dirty Trick
- Narrow lead for al-Maliki as Iraqi vote count continuesMarch 19, 2010 1:29 p.m. EDT
- The rainbow a great read in hopes of a rv tomm march 20th
- It just keeps getting BETTER!!... if you're and illegal alien.
- The American Military now KNOWS Mossad carried out 9/11 Attacks What about this then
- Fixed Currency Regimes: Exploiting pegged currencies for profit
- Fixed Currency Regimes: Exploiting pegged currencies for profit Part 2
- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury : The U.S. is on a path to becoming a Third World
- Subject: Fwd: I can't believe he said this and he still got elected here in the USA
- Non interset barring accounts
- World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America
- Million Dollar Mistakes
- Fox News Survey: 79% think US economy will collapse
- The Truth About Healthcare in America
- Armed Tax Police Prepare To Sweep Across America As Revolution Feared Near
- Timeline of Tax Provisions in the House Health Care Bill
- what a ride (random thoughts)
- Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’
- GOP Lawmaker Darrell Issa Poised to Call for Special Prosecutor to Investigate White
- FBI investigating threats to Democrats
- Almost a quarter of Republicans think Obama 'may be the Antichrist' as 14 states sue
- Steny Hoyer: Members are at risk
- Coffin placed on Carnahan's lawn
- Is the US Eroding Israel's Qualitative Edge?
- The N.W.O. Cabal is collapsing; the signs are everywhere
- Judge Napolitano On Alex Jones TV: Obamacare is Unconstitutional (Link)
- Reasons i am 100% convinced that we should pull the trigger on our own rv!
- 10 Ways the New Healthcare Bill May Affect You
- American contractor newsletter
- A retired Constitutional Lawyer's take on the HC bill
- Law Suit Against the Federal Reserve
- Anyone heard of this?
- Disturbing new u.s. Law aims to end individual foreign bank accounts
- Restore America call 3-28-10.. 8pm EST. Link
- Our Constitution is Almost Gone
- whistblower on gold manipulation attacked
- Census--taking a poll on civil disobedience
- Foreign bank accounts and gun laws
- It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls-a bit more on have you heard?
- Restore America
- Restore America - UPDATE
- Riley chats today 3/31/2010 She is an American cotractor in the north of bagdad
- Outside post......... Economist RV Explantion
- If You Were a Billionaire for Five Hours 4/01/2010
- Let the New World Order folks stew in their own juices a bit longer
- April 15 deadline
- Boots on the ground, !!!
- from an outside source!!!!!!
- Easter Pagan
- Good-bye America .. Hello China ..
- Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi State Suppliers Raise Crude Oil Prices
- Oil Surges to Highest Level in 17 Months on U.S. Jobs Report
- Tracking the Bilderbergers in Facebook
- ‘Death Camps’ Warned Being Prepared As Millions In US Left Hopeless
- Alternative News
- Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians
- Restore America Declaration Shakes Up Governors Across America
- Confirmed: A US sanctioned meeting with Hamas in Doha
- Another Bombshell In What Could End Up Be Greatest Fraud In History
- Response Letter to the Census Bureau
- China expected to revalue currency
- great new rumor
- disgrunted VIP , we are missing muchoooo intel !!!! hahahahahahaha
- Apollyon Rising
- America: The Grim Truth
- Steve Washington Chat on April 9th-12 days from Monday, April 12.
- Restore America Email I Received Today 4/10/10
- this is not a rumor,but a good coversaton in a restaurant y ll enjoy it
- MSNBC’s Ratigan Remarkably Tells Truth About Bankster Scam
- Is a run on American Banks in progress? You be the judge
- Benjamin Fulford Blog
- The armed force were served notice of the return of lawful sovereign “civilian” auth.
- A beautifull sunday message to our Country!
- China Inches Toward Revaluation
- States exempting guns from rules now total 7
- Look out for scam imf email
- RAP update Another Email I Rec'd
- Restore American Plan Update Part 1
- Bill Clinton is on his way to Japan to try to get money
- Rowdy's Margaritas
- Interesting: Not a Sunni-Shia Boxing Match
- 5 New Ways of Thinking About Money- From a Spiritual Economist
- Why Iraq most likey will never remove zeroes
- EXCELLENT SUGGESTION - Keep Money & Jobs in the USA - (4/20/2010)
- Workers Missing After Oil Rig Blast
- Transocean Says ‘Blowout’ May Have Caused Rig Fire (Update1)
- Survivors Of Oil Rig Explosion Reach Safety; Search Continues For Missing
- Studdgage for MOD of any sort
- Competing for Islam's Favor Against Ourselves
- National Day of Prayer
- The Islamic Inquisition is in Full Swing
- No Free Speech About Leaving Islam
- Timothy Geithner G20 Interview
- What is the G-20
- Iranian War Games Intensify Arab Anxiety
- to sshear01 visual impairment software
- How to: Sudden wealth
- StarDogger Explaination
- Allawi
- Lets talk about Babylon
- iraqi bank robbed
- U.S. is saving war memorials in Iraq
- Iraq gov’t bank managers arrested, $360m missing
- Is 'just peace' possible in Iraq?
- duh_village_idiot Rumor: Currency 5/28/10
- Iraq oil exports surge to 1.9mbpd
- U.S. military's castoffs become sought-after items at yard sales across Iraq
- When Does a Religion Become an Ideology?
- Five Christian Seats in Iraqi Parliament Approved
- Baghdad Urged to Tackle Water Crisis
- Basra ports receive 34 ships this week
- China picking up lots of oil in Iraq
- More Active Sun Means Nasty Solar Storms Ahead
- Revalue Renminbi or Dogs Unleashed, Patterson Says China RV by 30th
- Investment Fraud
- Freezing S-300, Russia's loss
- Petition to lift drilling moratorium
- Iraq Loves making History
- Religious crusader who devoted his life to tracking down Bin Laden
- Swiss Lawmakers Allow Release of Alleged U.S. Tax Cheaters' Info
- Peg is dead as China vows yuan flexibility 6-19-10
- China forex move could thwart U.S. hopes - Roubini
- Eleven US warships, one Israeli vessel transit Suez Canal to Persian Gulf DEBKAfile
- duke1's at 4:40 am 6/23/10
- Iraqi ports receiving 32 merchant ship since the beginning of this week
- Iraqi official: No ***** wand to end power outages
- Automated teller machines become a familiar sight in Baghdad
- duke1's am cliff notes at 5:30 am 6/25/10
- international banks eye iraqi market
- duke'''s cliff notes at 7:00an 6-26-10
- G8 makes 'cautious' aid pledge
- Media Guide: Upcoming G-8 and G-20 Summit
- Iraqi officials see U.S. as neglecting the country
- duke1's am cliff notes 6-28-10
- IMF Chief Says Would Consider Yuan for SDR Basket
- duke1 am cliff note 6-30-10
- duke1 am cliff notes7-1-10
- Publicly Calls For The Establishment Of A New World Currency
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-03-2010
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-04-2010
- New York Times : Biden determines Iraq's future relationship with America
- duke1 am cliff notes 7/05/2010
- duke1's am cliff notes for 7/7/10
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-8-10
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-9-10
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-10-10
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-11-10
- duke1 am cliff notes 7-12-10
- Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari After Their Meeting
- duke1 am cliff notes 7/14/2010
- duke1 cliff notes
- GE to pay 23 million dollars after Iraq bribery charges
- Iran 'ready' to suspend uranium enrichment if assured of import
- Temperature in Karbala and reached half the boiling point with 20-hour power cuts
- An Israeli air strike killed a Hamas leader in Gaza
- Mexican police free reporters nabbed by drug gang
- new immigration rules!
- KRG dismisses the U.S.-Iraqi probe into oil "smuggling"
- Nuri al-Maliki is preparing to live in Britain 8-5-2010
- Basra blasts kill 20 Iraqis, wound scores
- This is 6 months old but thought it pretty accurate
- North Korea fires artillery toward waters off its west coast amid tension over
- World Stocks Near 3-Month Peak as Fed Looms
- WSJ: US Sanctions Cloud India-Iran Projects
- Highlights: Iraqi PM sees no investor risk from impasse
- Maliki calls for Egyptian companies to participate in the campaign for re- constructi
- Skinner denies the failure of talks between Maliki and Barzani
- Iraq News
- Iraqi question seriously the national and state law in an alliance to form a governme
- Lebanon says US military aid cutoff unwarranted
- Iran Claims It's Digging Graves for U.S. Troops in Case of Attack
- Hford Terry K's Brother Spills the Beans!
- Sanctions will not affect trade volume with Iraq - Iranian amb.
- Fed Will Buy Treasuries With Maturing Mortgage Debt
- 'I Am Not Going Away,' Rangel Tells Fellow Lawmakers
- Stock futures slump on Fed's gloomier outlook
- Kurdish MP: Article 140 is not a pressure card
- An armed attack on the home of the so-called central bank governor and a member of pr
- Result of Iraq war will be evident in 3-5 yrs - Odierno
- Russia's Nuclear Help to Iran Stirs Questions About Its 'Improved' Relations With U.S
- Iraqi 2011 budget might reach 90 trillion IDs
- Iraqi govt says int’l reports on Iraq poverty rates not correct
- Zebari: Iraqi military is unable to assume all responsibilities until 2020
- Last US combat brigade leaves Iraq
- Worst-Case Scenarios: Possible Strike Plans for Iran Involve Risky Options
- Just a very good article on radical Islam
- Iran 'powers up' nuclear plant
- Iraq's Al-Iraqiya leader to visit Russia
- Iran unveils new drone
- URGENT- Gunmen steal payrolls of Baghdad’s Veterinary College
- Kurdish MP says Allawi’s overseas trip is inappropriate
- Preparations complete to run census – minister
- Papajack Rumor 8/23/2010 (at 1:31 pm CDT)
- Sweet poison! > amust read! >
- Attacks shake Iraq as U.S. combat troops leave
- The Hindenburg Omen IS Scary, but So Are the Fundamentals
- 1% Transaction Fee
- 'Every Corner in the Region Is Frightened - Allawi interview
- sharia law for the US
- Maliki: Iraq ready to assume security responsibility
- finally the big one confirmed
- New Iraq Currency to be Issued
- Rumor from KTF Missions - 9/8/10
- Irbil: reactions to the intention of burning the Koran American priest on the occasio
- Muslims in America increasingly alienated as hatred grows in Bible belt
- Gadgets for the solider in your life
- Halliburton and KBR Sued Over Iraq ContaminationHalliburton and KBR Sued Over Iraq Co
- Petronas to Train Iraqi Engineers for Gharraf Oilfield
- The Marshall Plan
- Homeowners - Better Read This one
- Iraq seeks U.S. arms worth $113 billion
- More misappropriated tax dollars
- Iraq To Pay For U.S. Abuse Claims Against Saddam Regime
- Congress to be told of 60-billion US-Saudi arms deal
- CNBC video...interview with ALI
- Geithner vows to take China currency dispute to G20
- federal reserve & cbi must read
- Iraq Has Billions but Won't Pay Security Costs
- Iraq wants to join WTO
- Email to DD from an Iraqi Firefighter
- I found this very interesting
- Ity is just a rumor, but it is a good one !!!!
- Maliki Reaches Arcross Sectarian Lines on Saturday
- IFM Complest First Review Under Standby Agreement
- U.S. Senate Does Not Extend Tax Law (Estate Tax)
- Scooter chat 10/05/2010
- Gov't of Iraq was announced
- Own Your Own Dinar Business
- My Prediction for an RV in November 2010!! American Contractor
- Update American Contractor 11/03/2010
- Special Message from the American Contractor 11/06/2010
- How Wars End-NY Times
- Iraq Parliament Meet Friday 12 November
- Okie Oilman: No More Delays 11/08/2010
- Political parallels
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