- Med, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 7/23/12
- Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 7/24/12
- Adam Montana, Kaperoni, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/25/12
- Adam Montana, Breitling, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 7/26/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/27/12
- Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 7/28/12
- Guru Rumors going around for 7/28/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/30/12
- Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 7/31/12
- Adam Montana, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 8/1/12
- Miscellaneous Self Proclaimed gurus 8/2//12
- Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus *updated 8/3/12
- Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8/4/12
- Phoenix3333, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 8/5/12
- Okieoilman & other Self Proclaimed gurus 8/6/12
- Breitling, Phoenix333, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8/7/12
- Breitling, Adam, Kaperoni & ohter self proclaimed gurus 8/8/12
- Med, Adam Montana, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8/9/12
- Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 8/10/12
- More guesses from self proclaimed gurus 8/11/12
- Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 8/12/12
- Self Proclaimed Guru guesses for 8/13/12
- Kaperoni 8/13/12
- Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8/14/12
- Breitling & Med 8/14/12
- Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 8/15/12
- Adam & Okie 8/15/12
- Adam, Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 8/16/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 8/17/12
- Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 8/18/12
- Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8-18-12
- Self Proclaimed Guru guesses for 8/20/12
- Breitling, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 8-21-12
- Visions of Grandeur by self proclaimed gurus w/Adam Montana on 8-22-12
- Pearls of wisdom from self proclaimed gurus for 8-23-12
- Adam & Okie 8-23-12
- Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 8/24/12
- Med, Mailman17, & other self proclaimed gurus 8/26/12
- Miscellaneous Self Proclaimed gurus 8/27/12
- Med, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8-28-12
- Adam, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 8-29-12
- Self Proclaimed gurus 8/30/12
- Adam & Kaperoni 8/30/12
- Self Proclaimed Gurus 8/31/12
- American Contractor, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/1/12
- Self proclaimed guru 'intel' 9/2/12
- Okie & a new guru on the block 9/3/12
- Self Proclaimed Guru guesses for 9/4/12
- Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 9/5/12
- Adam, Kaperoni, Ennorste & other self proclaimed gurus 9/6/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/9/12
- Dr. Todd interview....the full interview...
- Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 9/8/12
- Self proclaimed gurus 9/9/12
- Breitling & other self proclaimed gurus 9/10/12
- American Contractor, Breitling, Med, Mailman & other self proclaimed gurus 9/11/12 "We will never forget"
- Frank26, Mailman, Med & others 9/11/12
- Adam, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 9/12/12
- Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9-13-12
- Med, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 9/14/12
- Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 9/14/12
- Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 9/15/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/16/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/17/12
- Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 9/18/12
- Adam, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 9/19/12
- Adam, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 9/20/12
- Med & others 9/20/2012
- Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 9/21/12
- Adam Montana, Okie_the_oilman & other self proclaimed gurus 9/22/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 9/23/12
- Med 9/24/12
- As the Guru Turns 9/24/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/25/12
- Mailman17 9/25/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 9/26/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/27/12
- Adam, Kaperoni & others 9/27/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 9/28/12
- As the DinarWorld turns 9/30/12
- Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 10/1/12
- Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 10/2/12
- Med, Adam Montana, Kaperoni, Enorrste & other self proclaimed gurus 10/3/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 10/4/12
- Kaperoni & Ennorste 10/4/12
- Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 10/4/12
- Med & others 10/6/12
- Med & a couple of others 10-7-12
- *AS the Dinar Turns"...tune in today 10/8/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" starring Med, tune in today....10/9/12
- Med & Mailman17 10-9-12
- "As the Dinar Turns" special guest stars Breitling & Adam, tune in today....10/10/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" .. the plot thickens...tune in today 10/11/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" will it RV? Tune in today....10/12/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....10/13/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....10/14/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" starring Med, tune in today....10/15/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" Special guest star Pheonix3333... is Shabibi put? 10/16/12
- Tune in today for another episode of "As the Dinar Turns" 10/17/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" All Star cast.... Phoenix, Adam & Med tune in today 10/18/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" starring Med... tune in today....10/19/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" starring Med & Adam tune in today....10/20/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" same dinar channel same dinar time.... 10/21/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" starring Med & Frank26 tune in today....10/22/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"... Special guest star Delta with Med & Frank26... 10/23/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ...with Adam, tune in today....10/24/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ..always a cliffhanger..tune in today! 10/25/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....10/26/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ...starring Med, tune in today....10/27/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" Special guest star Breitling... tune in today....10/28/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ...starring Med & Kaperoni, tune in today....10/29/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ...featuring Frank26, and new to the cast Mountainman tune in today....10/30/12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ...Starring Adam Montana....10/31/12
- "AS the Dinar Turns"...starring Adam, special guest star Breitling 11-1-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"..starring Med, Adam & Kaperoni serving up pizza..11-2-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Adam & Kaperoni...11-3-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med & Kaperoni...11-4-12
- "As the Dinar Turns" starring Kaperoni..stay tuned...11-5-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Phoenix3333 ..11-6-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"..starring Med & Adam Montana...11-7-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med, Mailman17 & Kaperoni...11-8-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Phoenix3333...11-9-12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....11/10/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med....11-11-12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....11/12/12
- "As The Dinar Turns"...starring Kaperoni...11-13-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"... Special guest star Breitling with Med & Adam... 11/14/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Phoenix3333, with Med & Adam...11-15-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med....11-16-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...11-17-12
- Mailman17 11-17-12
- "As the Dinar turns"...starring Med & Adam....11-18-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"..with Med, Adam & Kaperoni, special guest star Breitling...11-19-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med & Adam...11-20-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med, Kaperoni & special guest star Breitling...11-21-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med Adam & Kaperoni ...11-22-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"....with Adam...11-23-12
- Med, Delta & Okie...11-23-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med & Adam...11-24-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Kaperoni...11-25-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Kaperoni...11-26--12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Frank26 with Med, Mailman17 & Kaperoni...11-27-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Mailman17 11-28-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Adam....11-29-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Okie...11-30-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med & Kaperoni...12-1-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"....with Med.....12-2-12
- Kaperoni 12-2-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Kaperoni...12-3-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med & Kaperoni...12-4-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"....with Med...12-5-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med, Adam, Kaperoni & Okie...12-6-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"... Special guest star Breitling, with Kaperoni 12/7/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...12-8-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Kaperoni...12-9-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med...12-10-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"... tune in today...12-11-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Frank26 with Med & Adam...12-12-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"... Special guest star Breitling & Delta, with Adam, Frank26 & Kaperoni... 12/13/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...12-14-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Med...12-15-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...12-16-12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....12/17/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Okie...12-18-12
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... with Mailman17....12/19/12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med, Adam & Kaperoni...12-20-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med, Adam, Kaperoni & Okie...12-21-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...Special guest star Phoenix3333, with Med...12-22-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Kaperoni, tune in today...12-23-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today..12-24-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Phoenix3333 & Mailman17...12-25-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med & Kaperoni....12-26-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"... Med, Kaperoni, Okie, with special guest stars Frank26 & Delta...12-27-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today..12-28-12
- "As the Dinar Turns....with Med & Kaperoni....12-29-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"....with Kaperoni...12-30-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Mailman17...1-1-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam...1-2-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Delta with Med, Frank26 and Kaperoni...1-3-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Delta with Okie...1-4-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Kaperoni...1-5-12
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Mailman17...1-6-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Mailman17 & Kaperoni...1-7-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Delta with Kaperoni...1-8-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Kaperoni...1-9-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Okie...1-10-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Delta with Adam & Frank26 ...1-11-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Delta...1-12-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med....1-13-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Breitling, with Kaperoni...1-14-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Delta with Frank26 & Kaperoni...1-15-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med, Adam, Mailman17 & Kaperoni...1-16-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam...1-17-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Okieoilman...1-18-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...same Dinar channel, same Dinar time...1-19-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med....1-20-13
- "As the Dinar turns"...with Med & Kaperoni...1-21-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...Med & Frank26...1-22-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"... ALLSTAR cast today, Med, Adam, Kaperoni & Okie....1-23-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam...1-24-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...special guest star Breitling, with Adam, Med & Kaperoni...1-25-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med...1-26-13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....1/27/13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Frank26, Kaperon & Okiei...1-28-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med...1-29-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"... ALLSTAR cast today, Med, Adam, Delta & Frank26....1-30-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Adam & Kaperoni...1-31-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Adam, Delta & Okie...2-1-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Frank26 & Kaperoni..2-2-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...2-3-13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... with Kaperoni....2/4/13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Kaperoni...2-5-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & Kaperoni...2-6-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med, Adam & Kaperoni...2-7-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...Med, Breitling & Phoenix3333...3-8-13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... with Kaperoni....2/9/13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Med...2-10-13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... with Kaperoni....2/11/13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... tune in today....2/12/13
- "As the Dinar Turns"... ALLSTAR cast today, Med, Adam, Breitling, Mailman & Kaperoni....2-14-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"....featuring Med & Adam...2-15-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"....with Kaperoni...2-16-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Mailman17...2-17-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...2-18-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...Special guest star American Contractor with Med, Delta, Kaperoni & Okie...2-19-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Adam, Mailman17 & Frank26...2-20-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Adam, Kaperoni & Okie...2-21-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Breitling & Adam....2-22-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...tune in today...2-23-13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... starring Okie_The_Oilman....1/27/13
- "As the Dinar turns"...with Med...2-25-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...DON'T CHANGE THAT CHANNEL!...2-26-13
- "As the Dinar Turns" ... with Frank26 & others....2/27/13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Adam & others...2-28-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...Delta, Frank26, Okie & others...3-1-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Okie...3-2-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Med & Delta...3-3-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Delta & Frank26...3-4-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Frank26 & others...3-5-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...SAME RATE CHANNEL, SAME RATE TIME...3-6-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Adam & Delta...3-7-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Breitling, Adam, Frank26 & Kaperoni...3-8-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...with Frank26 & Kaperoni...3-9-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Phoenix3333, Med, Kaperoni & Frank26...3-10-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Mailman17...3-11-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...same RV channel, same RV time...3-12-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Adam & Mailman17...3-13-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Delta, Adam, Frank26 & Okie...3-14-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Med & Frank26...3-15-13
- "As the Dinar Turns"...starring Frank26 & Okie...3-16-13